Our anniversary was yesterday and we decided to have our favorite dinner after the boys went to bed. Our favorite dinner consists of some form of a potato and a peppercorn fillet fresh from the grill. We just recently made this for New Year's Eve without incident. Without incident means that Chris was able to use the grill on our deck, outside, in January weather.
I guess we should have checked the hourly forecast yesterday with accuweather. At the moment the boys were in bed and we were ready to warm the grill up it was storming complete with lightening, pelting rain and 30 to 40 mph wind. Poor Chris actually had to stand out in the pelting rain and hold the umbrella just right so that the grill would stay hot and cook our yummy steaks...for 15 minutes.
Now that folks, is the Grill Master. Way to go Grill Master and I salute you for sacrificing yourself so that our fillets were grilled to perfection and our anniversary meal was not lost. Grill Master also decided that we need to bring our grill into the garage next winter!
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Happy Anniversary to us!
Today I am sending all my love out to my amazing husband, Chris. We are celebrating our 8 year wedding anniversary today. I have considered myself so incredibly lucky to be married to such a wonderful man. Somehow he finds a way to put up with me! :)
I truly believe fate brought us together over 12 years ago. There is honestly no other explanation as to how we met. (That's a story for a different day!) During our years together I have seen Chris become a loving and protecting husband, a devoted father and an all around great best friend to me. I never thought I could find someone to spend my life with that could make he as happy as he does!
We are celebrating quietly tonight, after the boys have gone to bed, with one of our favorite dinners at home. This weekend we are taking off to Indy to spend Saturday night at the Hyatt. I am so excited to actually have "alone time" with my husband! We have dinner reservations at St. Elmo's and tickets to the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra! Thank you to Chris for making all of the arrangements and getting his parents to watch the boys for us. His thoughtfulness is just another example of what makes him a great husband.
Happy Anniversary, Sweetie! I look forward to many, many more happy years together!
Thursday, January 24, 2008
More Birthday Wishes
Happy Birthday to my cool bro-in-law, Stu! He lives in Phoenix, so I know the lucky bastard is basking in a nice sunny, warm afternoon while the rest of us freeze our asses off. I'm not bitter about that or anything :)
Anyway, Happy Birthday Stu! I hope you have a great day.
Connor and I are headed to Flint for a birthday visit with my mom and also to do a Silpada party. Normally the whole fam would join us, but I have to be there by mid afternoon on Friday and I didn't want to pull Wes out of school. Thankfully my friend and neighbor is picking Wes up from school and watching him for the afternoon. Thank you Tami!
Have a great weekend everyone. Stay warm and go Boilers. Beat the evil Cheese Badgers on Saturday. Please, pretty please...it will make Chris so happy!
Anyway, Happy Birthday Stu! I hope you have a great day.
Connor and I are headed to Flint for a birthday visit with my mom and also to do a Silpada party. Normally the whole fam would join us, but I have to be there by mid afternoon on Friday and I didn't want to pull Wes out of school. Thankfully my friend and neighbor is picking Wes up from school and watching him for the afternoon. Thank you Tami!
Have a great weekend everyone. Stay warm and go Boilers. Beat the evil Cheese Badgers on Saturday. Please, pretty please...it will make Chris so happy!
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Birthday wishes
Happy Birthday to my good friend Laura!
Those wishes go out to my college buddy from the University of Findlay days. We had a good laugh on the phone this morning complaining about the cold. Back when we were students we had to ride everyday, regardless of how cold it was. And let me tell you, there were mornings when we had to ride when it wasn't even 10 degrees!
We both decided we have definitely lost our "edge" for the cold. We were whining like babies today at how cold it is outside. Evidently the more birthdays you have the more you loose your temperature toughness!
Have a great day Laura!
Those wishes go out to my college buddy from the University of Findlay days. We had a good laugh on the phone this morning complaining about the cold. Back when we were students we had to ride everyday, regardless of how cold it was. And let me tell you, there were mornings when we had to ride when it wasn't even 10 degrees!
We both decided we have definitely lost our "edge" for the cold. We were whining like babies today at how cold it is outside. Evidently the more birthdays you have the more you loose your temperature toughness!
Have a great day Laura!
Thanks for sharing.
I must say that I was surprised and touched to see a "thanks" posted on my site from proud pappa Nate. He keeps getting better and better news about his girls and I am just thrilled for his family. Way to go Tricia and Gwyneth! And, thank you Nate....keep up the great work you are doing as a husband and daddy.
I will also say, and this comes as a great surprise to me, my views about organ donation have greatly changed. I've never known anyone who has had to go through the difficult process of waiting and recieving an organ donation. I have always been in awe of the generosity of both the organ donor and the donors family. At a time when surviving family members must be going through great pain and loss they give the greatest gift from their loved one.
So now that I have gotten a small glimsp into the world of transplants and organ donation I want to say my views have changed. I've always wanted to give to those in need throughout my life. If it is a coat the boys have outgrown or just something in my closet I never seem to wear, I pass it along. Why wouldn't I want to continue to give to those in need after I die? Considering that I really won't be needing my organs any more, the least I could do is pass them on to someone who needs them more than I do. That would be the greatest gift I could ever give and a legacy I would be proud to pass on to my children.
So, thanks again to Nate for sharing his family with "the world" and also helping to advance a cause that he probably didn't realize he was advancing. And, I would encourage those reading to think twice about sharing the gift of life with others!
I will also say, and this comes as a great surprise to me, my views about organ donation have greatly changed. I've never known anyone who has had to go through the difficult process of waiting and recieving an organ donation. I have always been in awe of the generosity of both the organ donor and the donors family. At a time when surviving family members must be going through great pain and loss they give the greatest gift from their loved one.
So now that I have gotten a small glimsp into the world of transplants and organ donation I want to say my views have changed. I've always wanted to give to those in need throughout my life. If it is a coat the boys have outgrown or just something in my closet I never seem to wear, I pass it along. Why wouldn't I want to continue to give to those in need after I die? Considering that I really won't be needing my organs any more, the least I could do is pass them on to someone who needs them more than I do. That would be the greatest gift I could ever give and a legacy I would be proud to pass on to my children.
So, thanks again to Nate for sharing his family with "the world" and also helping to advance a cause that he probably didn't realize he was advancing. And, I would encourage those reading to think twice about sharing the gift of life with others!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
A good check up and a site to check.
After a slow start to the day (we had a two hour delay thanks to snowy, windy weather) things picked up. Then they never slowed down! I got some Silpada work done while Wes was at school and then it was off to his doctors appointment.
Wes ended up having a short day of school and was ready to go for his annual check up with Doctor Cohen. Doctor Cohen is the greatest! Wes has always been happy to go to the doctor, unless shots are involved. But, even then he doesn't fuss. I think the whole concept of being the center of attention makes him happy! The nurse gave us instructions on how to "properly pee in a cup". Good stuff! I love it when your 6 year old boy informs you, while you are holding the cup for him to pee into, that I was not doing it correctly. Whatever! At least he didn't over flow the cup, pee on me and most of the bathroom like Connor did when we last attempted a urine sample at the docs.
It was great to hear that Wes is healthy and right on track with his development. Good job buddy. I'm always thrilled to have healthy boys.
Along those lines. I have been following a blog about a young wife (Tricia), her husband (Nate) and their new baby girl, (Gwyneth). Both momma and baby have some tough medical struggles to get through and their story is very inspirational. Tricia has CF and was on a transplant list for a double lung transplant when the couple were surprised with a pregnancy. The couple has a very strong Christian faith and bravely beat the odds with the early delivery of their baby girl. If you are looking for an example of a couple firmly holding strong to their faith (while it may be different from mine and yours) this is the perfect site to visit. Nate is a great husband and a terrific new daddy....he also takes great photos of Gwyneth. Please visit, and if you pray, pray for them....they deserve it! http://cfhusband.blogspot.com/
Thanks, and I hope everything checks out good for you too today!
Wes ended up having a short day of school and was ready to go for his annual check up with Doctor Cohen. Doctor Cohen is the greatest! Wes has always been happy to go to the doctor, unless shots are involved. But, even then he doesn't fuss. I think the whole concept of being the center of attention makes him happy! The nurse gave us instructions on how to "properly pee in a cup". Good stuff! I love it when your 6 year old boy informs you, while you are holding the cup for him to pee into, that I was not doing it correctly. Whatever! At least he didn't over flow the cup, pee on me and most of the bathroom like Connor did when we last attempted a urine sample at the docs.
It was great to hear that Wes is healthy and right on track with his development. Good job buddy. I'm always thrilled to have healthy boys.
Along those lines. I have been following a blog about a young wife (Tricia), her husband (Nate) and their new baby girl, (Gwyneth). Both momma and baby have some tough medical struggles to get through and their story is very inspirational. Tricia has CF and was on a transplant list for a double lung transplant when the couple were surprised with a pregnancy. The couple has a very strong Christian faith and bravely beat the odds with the early delivery of their baby girl. If you are looking for an example of a couple firmly holding strong to their faith (while it may be different from mine and yours) this is the perfect site to visit. Nate is a great husband and a terrific new daddy....he also takes great photos of Gwyneth. Please visit, and if you pray, pray for them....they deserve it! http://cfhusband.blogspot.com/
Thanks, and I hope everything checks out good for you too today!
Monday, January 21, 2008
Welcome 2008
Yikes, I've done it again. A gaping hole between entries. I do have the holidays as an excuse for not keeping up. I think the month of December went by at a record pace. Anyway, welcome 2008 and Happy New Year.
Everyone looks back on what transpired when a year ends but I would prefer to look ahead. I just recently signed our 3 year old, Connor, up for pre-school. This will be such a huge step for him come September. He is certainly a "mamma's boy", so cutting the cord will be difficult - for both of us.
Another huge milestone for the new year is that Wes will be completing his first year of official education. He has flourished at Kindergarten and has become such a smart little guy. I feel like he has come so far in just the few months he has been in school. Good job Wes and keep up the great school work in first grade (Oh my Gosh!)!
Well, I would also like to say that I have vacations to look forward to in the new year, but we haven't worked that one out yet. I'd love to go on a cruise again this year, but we feel that would be asking too much of the generous grandparents who lovingly cared for the boys for a week in 2007. So, maybe a family vacation somewhere down south this year. We were thinking maybe the Smokies....as long as we stay free and clear of bears. I have a thing about bears.
We also hope that the new year will give our home a few upgrades. We would like to complete the second half of our landscaping. Which means that we have to fork over a large amount of money to the talented landscaper that did the first half of our yard. I do NOT have a green thumb and the ground in our yard is harder than cement. No kidding.
Our home was new when we moved in back in October of 2000. However, after the shock of two boys, numerous dirty shoes and the stupid cat...our carpets need replaced. Along that line most, if not all, of our walls need painting. Especially the areas the contain pink marker, craters from thrown hot wheels cars and other strange events. So, we have our work cut out for us.
I also hope that 2008 will be a healthier year for all of us. While I have some weight to loose, as does my loving husband, we haven't found our way to the Y as of yet to make it go away. So, hopefully that will transpire!
And, speaking of my loving husband (Chris), I'm looking forward to a few getaways with him. Our eight year anniversary will be coming up next week . He is the most caring father, loving husband and greatest friend I could have hoped to have in my life. So, most of all I am looking forward to spending this new year with him! While I am giving him props I will advertise his new blog at www.ftfun.blogspot.com. Good luck with your blog and keep it up! No slacking...like I'm to talk.
Welcome 2008 and I hope it is a good one for all of us!
Everyone looks back on what transpired when a year ends but I would prefer to look ahead. I just recently signed our 3 year old, Connor, up for pre-school. This will be such a huge step for him come September. He is certainly a "mamma's boy", so cutting the cord will be difficult - for both of us.
Another huge milestone for the new year is that Wes will be completing his first year of official education. He has flourished at Kindergarten and has become such a smart little guy. I feel like he has come so far in just the few months he has been in school. Good job Wes and keep up the great school work in first grade (Oh my Gosh!)!
Well, I would also like to say that I have vacations to look forward to in the new year, but we haven't worked that one out yet. I'd love to go on a cruise again this year, but we feel that would be asking too much of the generous grandparents who lovingly cared for the boys for a week in 2007. So, maybe a family vacation somewhere down south this year. We were thinking maybe the Smokies....as long as we stay free and clear of bears. I have a thing about bears.
We also hope that the new year will give our home a few upgrades. We would like to complete the second half of our landscaping. Which means that we have to fork over a large amount of money to the talented landscaper that did the first half of our yard. I do NOT have a green thumb and the ground in our yard is harder than cement. No kidding.
Our home was new when we moved in back in October of 2000. However, after the shock of two boys, numerous dirty shoes and the stupid cat...our carpets need replaced. Along that line most, if not all, of our walls need painting. Especially the areas the contain pink marker, craters from thrown hot wheels cars and other strange events. So, we have our work cut out for us.
I also hope that 2008 will be a healthier year for all of us. While I have some weight to loose, as does my loving husband, we haven't found our way to the Y as of yet to make it go away. So, hopefully that will transpire!
And, speaking of my loving husband (Chris), I'm looking forward to a few getaways with him. Our eight year anniversary will be coming up next week . He is the most caring father, loving husband and greatest friend I could have hoped to have in my life. So, most of all I am looking forward to spending this new year with him! While I am giving him props I will advertise his new blog at www.ftfun.blogspot.com. Good luck with your blog and keep it up! No slacking...like I'm to talk.
Welcome 2008 and I hope it is a good one for all of us!
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