Okay.....I am soon going to post some pictures of birthdays and other family happenings...but I read this somewhere else and I have to vent here. Otherwise, if I vented somewhere else...like on Facebook say, I'd have a bunch of "friends" pissed off. They aren't really my friends...just for the record!! I'd like to think my friends are smarter than that!
Delayed vaccinations. It's the new cool way of saying no thanks to getting your child immunized against deadly diseases.
Apparently the new "trendy" parent thing to do now is called "Delayed Vaccinations".
Really? Seriously? Why is it that some people think they are more special than the rest of us? So your kid is so freakin special that deadly diseases just bounce off them without the help of immunity?
The majority of us protect our children through vaccines and would appreciate it if others people would protect their children. If as a parent you aren't smart enough to want to protect your own child could you at least help stop the spread of deadly diseases so that your immune child doesn't infect others? Just sayin!
Last I checked tetanus, polio, measles, mumps and rubella were pretty nasty diseases that usually wont "delay" infecting your child. Rather those deadly diseases that stricken our grandparents and great-grandparents are making come backs these days. Why you ask?? Because more and more parents are wanting to think they are cool and join the "delaying vaccinations" club.
Just ask someone who lived through the days of polio if they would have wanted to be vaccinated against that disease during their childhood! Of course they would have. And, if those vaccines had been available maybe some of their siblings would have survived their own childhoods to grow up.
Get with it people. It isn't cool to not vaccinate your children. It is stupid. It is as crazy to me as the parents who wont treat their children with life saving medical care in the name of religion. Just sayin.
Please vaccinate your children! Don't delay!