Friday, September 29, 2006

Thirsty as a cat.

That's right, folks. At lunch today I was told that Wes was "Thirsty as a cat"! I never knew that cats were very thirsty. Our cat, Eddie the Idiot, likes to drink from the toilet so I guess I'd have to be pretty thirsty to do that. Gee, that sounds like something Connor would do.

GNO! (Girls Night Out)

Previously I may have mentioned that it is high school football season around here, and everywhere else for that matter! But at our house that means that Chris is gone all Friday nights and most Thursday nights refereeing games. Due to that, and 4 consecutive Purdue home games, Mamma needed a little time off from the boys. Chris, being the wise husband that he is, suggested my good buddy Heather and I escape to Indy for the weekend.

So, Girls Night Out (GNO) will be headed south to Indy and some much needed R & R! We are stoked for some shopping, sight seeing, dining out and drinking! Good times will be had by all.

In the mean time I'm trying to get the house cleaned up, laundry put away and things basically prepared for the boys! Wes managed to sleep through the night without barking, so a full night sleep really makes me happy! And, he seems to feel better and mostly importantly, I can go without feeling guilty about leaving a sick little boy!

Thursday, September 28, 2006

What is the most annoying cough you have ever heard?

Croup? Yes, croup. It sounds like something out of the middle ages or for us horse people, a piece of tack, but it is really the most annoying cough your child can have at 4:00 in the morning.

Nothing gets you out of bed faster than a cry sounding like your child being attacked by a barking seal. Last time I checked we didn't have any seals living at our "crib"! After a sleepless morning of sharing the guest bed with him, a trip to the doctors office and drug store, McDonald's and Wes telling the valet parking guy that he wanted a different car back, we are home.

So much for bowling league for me and pre-school for Wes. However, the look on Wes' face when the valet drove off with our Buick was priceless, far better than the look on his face when he couldn't figure out why he sounded like a seal at 4 am.

Okay, so now I'm off to paint more gourds, play nurse and keep Connor out of the toilet.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Good luck Dad!

My parents are off to their National horse show. Thankfully, both them and the horse show are in Michigan and I'm safe in Indiana. Mom at horse shows is like Rachel Ray on crack! No offense Rachel Ray. Stand back and watch a 5'4 woman take down large men in a single bound. God speed dad and good luck! May the force be with you and may a strong wind slow her down! If not, bring a large stick!

What I Did This Summer

I missed th back-to-school-feeling of having to write the standardized What Did You Do This Summer? paper for English class. Therefore, in honor of my past English teachers, I'll post about what my family did this summer. Our past family summers have usually been summed up with...stay home and take care of the boys. But this summer we branched out a bit. Thanks in part to Connor being 2 and some highly competent grandparents.

My favorite trip of the summer was a much needed 3 day get-away, with just Chris, to Las Vegas. Again, thanks largely to my parents in Flint for braving the boys and allowing us to go. I was a Vegas Virgin, so I was in complete awe while we vacationed. We did everything that everyone else does when they go to Vegas, so I won't go into details...but I loved the dancing fountains and the new Wynn Resort! While we were there Wes and Con-man enjoyed great G & G time complete with fireworks, an "oldies" car show (as Wes called it), swimming, bike riding and helping with the horses.

Wes also had the chance to visit Iowa with summer with Chris' parents to see his cousin graduate. He had a fantastic time complete with backhoe operating, windmill visits and the biggest swing I have ever seen. He also, on a separate occasion, spent nearly a week with G & G in Monroeville. Not to be left out of G & G time, Connor also spent a few days while Chris and I took Wes to Cedar Point. Wes loved the kiddie rides and couldn't get enough popcorn. He especially thought the hotel was the coolest ever. Although they didn't have the "white donuts" that hotels in Iowa have. He suggested Ohio needed to get "white donuts"!

Throw in a few other fun outings like a trip to "The Lake" with our friends Rachel, Matt, Sage and Drew, Summer Safarri Camp at the zoo for Wes, a large 2nd birthday party for Connor and who could forget a trip to ride Thomas the Train...and our summer was a busy one!

There you have it. One very packed summer that went by so quickly. Now Chris is officiating varsity football again and traveling to Purdue home football games, all of which remind me that summer is officially over and fall is here!

I'm A Big Girl Now

Wow, so here I am. I feel like a big girl now. Yes, Katy, welcome to the year 2006.

A brief introduction of my life is that I am happily married to my husband, Chris, of six years and mom to Wesley and Connor. I did have a real job, in my previous life, but now my job is mostly centered around peacekeeping at our house. Kinda like being a member of the UN...the peace doesn't really get kept and I don't get a paycheck!

Wesley is our 4 1/2 year old wonder child who can talk more than a politician, can write his own name, pick his nose and pee in the bathtub....nearly all at the same time! Doesn't everyone want those qualities in a mate someday? Oh, and after doing all that look you square in the eye and say "I love you by heart!" And, we also have the Con-man. Wes' 2 year old brother who is hung up on anything to do with water, chewy snacks and beating up his older brother. When the two boys are not getting into trouble together they also like to terrorize the other male member of the house, Eddie the not-so-wonderful cat. Yes, even the cat is a boy!

So, that is the short version of our household. I also enjoy painting gourds, when I'm not trying to keep peace, reading, pretending to bowl and annoying my friends with stories of my boys.

Welcome! Hope you come back again!