Life continues much the same as always around here. Another week of school completed. Wes got to take snack to school today and it was also picture day. I promised him earlier in the week he could have Taco Bell today after bowling. So, we brought a nice new clean shirt for pictures today and put it on right before he went in. Good decision too, there was much soft taco spillage.
Gourd painting continues on. I'm trying to average about 4 a day, at least during the week. So far I've stuck to that as well as getting one or two extra done a day. I'm trying to get a lot of ornaments and so far I'm up to 9 of those. Of course I'd like to have miniumn of 30. Lots to do, lots to do. I'll post pictures in a few days when I at least have enough of a series to take pictures of.
I bowled better today. However, we had a bit of a stand off today with the other team. Or, maybe I should say I did! No chick fights, sorry! There is a rule that children are not allowed down on the lanes during bowling. Hence the fact that they have two sweet old ladies (The Grandma's) who take care of our children while we bowl. All three of us on our team rely on this, otherwise we wouldn't be doing it. Children around the lane can get hurt, are a distraction and quite frankly, exactly what I go there to get away from! So, of course there was a woman on the team we played today who routinely brings her children. That pissed me off right from the word go because they weren't even up at the chairs they were down with us sitting in the lanes. NO WAY! I gave it a bit to see if they were going to be getting picked up and that didn't happen. So, I approached our league president and inquired about the rules. And, we were correct. It was bothering all of us and even once I asked the little girl not to stick her hands on the balls because I was afraid she was going to get a finger pinched. I've done it, that sucks! Anyway...league president handles it and the woman is not happy and the children get picked up by dad (amazing). I even heard her say she knew the rules. I guess setting an example and following the rules for her children's sake never crossed her mind. She wasn't happy but settled down eventually. I don't think she knew I squealed, but I sensed she thought we were all evil. Oh well. At least we split the games against them today.
We are going to play indoor putt-putt tomorrow with our buddies Sage and Rachel. Then the boys are off to G & G's house to spend the night and most of Saturday. I'm going to my one Purdue home football game of the year. And of course, it is against evil Wisconsin. Chris has promised to behave himself, but I have vivid memories of a game against evil Wisconsin from nearly 7 years ago where I had to practically drag him away from an evil Wisconsin fan to avoid manly fisticuffs! We were merely engaged then, so hopefully the threat of having to live with me pissed off by poor sportmanship will prevent further embaresment! They are pretty evil, though, I admit. Right up there with Norte Dame fans!