Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Not much going on..

There just isn't much going on around here. For the second day in a row it is raining and dreary outside. You would still think it about 5:00 in the morning if you didn't know better. Yuck. This can go away any time and the sun can return.

Wes has school and swim today. Chris got him signed up this weekend for indoor flag football. That should be a hoot. I was undecided between that and Y basketball. The basketball lasts for 4 months and the football only lasts for 2 months. I thought for the first attempt at a sport we should keep it short and sweet. Hopefully he likes it. It will be starting in November.

Connor was not fooled by the darkness this morning and came in to wake me up at 7:00. I figured that with the darkness I would have the luxury of sleeping until at least 7:30. No go!

There just isn't much going on today. I've been trying to get inspired to start painting my holiday stuff for my big craft show in November. It isn't far away but it is hard to paint x-mas stuff when it is still October. I think today will be the day to get going on it.

I shipped Halloween gourds to Uncle Stu and a friend of his in Arizona. He should be getting them today or tomorrow. Hopefully they will like them and they will also arrive in one piece. And, speaking of Halloween, I have a couple of ghost costumes to work on. That's what they wanted to be...so I need to get that under control.

Have a great day and where ever you are I hope you get sun shine!!

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