Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Seven things you might not know about me...

So, I didn't some up with this idea, I'm stealing it from another blogger. I rather liked the idea and thought it would be a fun change of pace.

1. I wore white Keds (tennis shoes) on my wedding day. No, I'm not a fitness junkie and I really do love cute, wedding shoes...but less than 5 months before our wedding day I had a second ankle surgery to fuse my right ankle. I spent the months leading up to our wedding in physical therapy hoping that I would be able to walk down the aisle minus a cast and without limping. Function beat out fashion for my wedding day. I did decorate them and they looked very wedding like!

2. I have no siblings. It's just me. When I was little and if someone asked me if I had siblings I would say "No, I'm a lonely child". Along those lines, I come from a very small family and I am the only grandchild on my mom's side. My boys will sadly never have first cousins and I will never be an aunt and Chris will never be an uncle. I think my parents did a pretty good job of making sure I wasn't spoiled, but I will admit that I got to do a lot of stuff with my grandparents that most kids do not get to experience. We traveled all over the place on their boat and I always spent time with them in Florida. This is another reason way I am so close to my Grandma and my Grandpa, who has passed.

3. I have a very bad habit of picking at my lips. I have always had a fixation with picking at things. I started out sucking my thumb and did that into elementary school. After braces for my teeth began, I moved on from thumb sucking to picking at my thumb. I don't really remember at what point I stopped doing that, but I have a very bad habit of picking my lips instead! Sadly, Connor constantly picks at his finger nails. Sorry buddy. That neurotic tendency definitely came from me!

4. I love sports. Not playing them, mind you, but watching and being a fan. My favorites would be college football, college basketball, professional hockey and then professional football. I despise professional basketball (I really think most of the players are just hoodlums!) and I don't care for baseball - too boring! One of my favorite times of the year is coming up with March Madness. For the past two years I have come so close to winning the pool I have been in, but no cigar. Maybe this will be my year!

5. I really like curling. Back home, in Michigan, we could get Canadian channels that had curling on all the time. I would sit and watch it for hours and everyone in my family, including my husband, thinks I'm nuts. It also doesn't make much sense that I like it, considering I think baseball is boring...but I also respect curling because last I'd heard there were never any curling/steroid scandals! I would love to try it some day. Unfortunately, I do not think there are any curling places around here. I guess I will have to stick with bowling.

6. I nearly died from childbirth with our second son. I was untreated for a type of preeclampsia called H.E.L.P Syndrome. A nasty little problem that nearly cost me my life. Connor was delivered via emergency c-section under general anesthesia. Chris wasn't even allowed in the operating room. I was so upset about him not being present for the birth of our second son. I guess under the circumstances I could see why he wasn't allowed in the room, but it still upsets me that he wasn't able to be there for Connor. I probably had H.E.L.P Syndrome with my first pregnancy but the symptoms were not as pronounced. Probably a good thing for Connor that it wasn't as bad with Wes, otherwise Connor might not be here. No more children for our family!

7. My family has horses and I used to be a riding instructor. I graduated from the the University of Finlday with an Associates Degree in English Equestrian Studies. I rode hunter/jumpers and competed at horse shows in Michigan. I loved jumping and so did my Thoroughbred mare. I went on to get my Bachelors Degree from the University of Michigan - Flint in a "real" degree, but all the while I was teaching lessons and had roughly 30 students most of the time. I enjoyed it, but with marriage and a family horses have become a part of my past. Some day when we can afford it, and my boys have grown up considerably, I will return to horses and get back in the saddle.

So there you have it. Seven things you didn't know about me. That was fun and I would encourage you to do it!

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