Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Definition of accident

"event occurring by chance or unintentionally"

Wes just cut most of the front of Connor's hair off.

Apparently it was an accident.

I just got done defining what an accident is to Wes.

One does not take out his "pre-school scissors", get Connor to sit and hold still, find the "right" spot and then cut off said younger brother's hair... accidentally.


Boiler Up! Amy said...

Please know that I am laughing with you right now...Can't wait to see pictures!!! Oh, to have a house full of boys! =)

Katy said...

Coolheaded? HA!

Peacemaker? HA!

Clearly they take after Chris! I didn't pull any of these antics when I was little. I think I may have even walked on water!


Boiler Up! Amy said...
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