Tuesday, September 02, 2008

"I Kissed a Girl....

....and I Liked It"

The context of that song may be a bit off, but my six year old son kissed a girl, and he liked it. Yes, there are so many things wrong with that statement, that I don't even know where to begin!

I guess I could be happy that he likes girls. I'm trying to hold onto the positives at this point. I know that is what my husband was thinking, he just hasn't had the nerve to admit that to me yet. The girl he kissed is his six year old best friend and neighbor. She has been best friends with Wes for nearly 3 years and their birthdays are two weeks apart.

Apparently she told her Dad that Wes kissed her. The kiss in question happened Sunday while our families were together for a cook out. We spent the afternoon next door and Chris smoked a pork butt (which was great - I must add). We had a great afternoon and evening. Played lots of ladder toss, drank lots of beer, ate lots of food, played dominoes and apparently Wes did some kissing! Who knew?

He is six! What the hell? After Chris asked him tonight if anything weird happened on Sunday he fessed up.

"Does kissing count as weird?"

Hmmm....let me think about that. Hell yeah... when you are six! I think my eyes just about popped out of my head at the dinner table. My innocent six year old is kissing?

If I hadn't been so appalled and near crying because my six, did I mention he is six, year old son was kissing his best friend I probably would have been laughing. He was obviously super embarrassed because he dropped his dinner fork about 4 times and kept giggling. Eye contact didn't exist much either.

We had a nice long chat and according to him she asked him to kiss her. To which he obviously obliged. It seems that there was a second kiss that he decided to give to her. After talking to Tami it sounds like it was mutual and no one put them up to it. Worse yet...experimentation at six. I also believe that her having an older sister probably had something to do with this. Wes just doesn't know a darn thing,or so I thought, about kissing and relationships. He never watches that stuff on t.v. and I know her and her sister are always talking about boyfriends and all that stuff.

I guess this is the point that I become thankful that I don't have girls.

Obviously we told him the problem with kissing girls at a young age, especially his best friend, and he agreed that the proper age for kissing is 20. I asked that he wait till he was 18, but he thought 20 sounded better. Far be it for me not to agree with 20.

I feel some gray hairs sprouting this evening.


Katy said...

Ha...Chris would like that, I'm sure. Probably would have been more enjoyable for me than having to deal with my son! :)

Boiler Up! Amy said...

Poor Katy! Since it happened to someone else, I got a good chuckle...at least he isn't skipping down the sidewalk holding hands with his best friend~who is a boy! =) Ahh,the joys of growing up! (and pretty quickly, I might add)