I was completely impressed by the flowers and landscaping. The views of the city were none to shabby either. It was odd to me to see huge buildings and yet be surrounded by vibrant flowers.
I loved seeing "The Bean" which I discovered is actually called The Cloud Gate. I like "The Bean" much better. It's basically a big, stainless steel bean. Loved it! It's also lots of fun trying to take your picture with its reflection...and as Chris also discovered, it's fun to mess with other peoples pictures!
Ok, so now lets just stop with the nicities and get down to what was really so great about the park....the crazy, wacky people who were in the park! I love people watching! It's the best!! I'm not sure how best to prove how good the people watching was other than to show you the pictures and tell you about the pictures that got away.
There were several wedding parties in the park for obvious picture reasons! I guess I have missed out on the newest wedding trends, but I believe this is what hooker brides ask their best friends to wear.
I think she was actually proud of her dress. Can you tell? And, these poor sailors got sucked into nearly ever photo opp with every bride.
Ok, sing along with me now...."One of these things is not like the other, one of these things just doesn't belong!"
Now here is just an example of a people watchers dream come true. You got bad bridesmaid hanging out waiting for her photo opp, the other bridal party whoring out to the sailors and then you have Asian girl that just appears out of no where and practically starts undressing herself for her own photo opp. WOW!!!!
And then, just when I thought is was safe to leave because all the great spotting had been done, in strolls Miss Thing In Pink! Hold the boat folks, I'm not going anywhere.
and....she brought her pimps along too!
Yup, my friends, you can't make this stuff up!!!
Oh...and there was more. It was like worlds collide when the "Bad Bridesmaids", met up with the "Good Bridesmaids" and the "Vision in Pink" for a photo opp all together. Wow! Then, right after all that cleared out we had a crazy old guy dressed in a bag pippers uniform, with no bag pipe, that came strolling by saluting anyone who would make eye contact with him!
Truly, it was complete people watching fullfillment! A dream come true.
1 comment:
Oh, the people watching you can do in Chi-town! No place on earth beats it!
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