My dad's parents (my grandparents by default) celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary at the assisted living community in which they live...or as the boys call it..."the hotel". All of my dads siblings were there, a few of the grandkids and only a couple of great-grandkids. Our boys fall into the great-grandkids category and they were very well behaved. I was proud of them. On my list of things I'd rather not do this little trip was at the top, so I appreciated how boring and icky it was to the boys. Shhh..don't tell anyone, but I thought it was excruciating. If it wasn't for a funny uncle and my supportive husband, it would have been agonizing. Let's just say I showed up and got big points from my dad. Oh, and Obama was there too.
Our anniversary was January 29th and was a great weekend. We met up with our Purdue football buddies (minus Amy and James -sniff-sniff) for lunch and a Purdue basketball game. It was a strange game against Michigan...but the end result was all that mattered...Purdue won! Chris and I continued our weekend together (minus the boys) by heading over to Indy for a night on the town. Our dinner at St. Elmo was amazing. They have the best steaks around, and their service and attention to detail is top notch. They had a very private table, with flowers for us, away from all the major dining rooms. Chris broke the "no gift" rule for the weekend and bought me a beautiful heart shaped pendant I had been drooling over from Kay's. If you look closely you can see it in the pictures. Our weekend together was the best.
Wes did a great job in his annual musical at school. This years first grade musical was called "Bugz." It was very cute and well put together. Every child was given a line to say and each child participated in at least two musical numbers. As usual, Wes went along with being on stage and saying his line, but did so with the least amount of acting enthusiasm as possible. He just isn't a stage performer. He inherited that trait naturally. Don't get me wrong, he was cute and smiling and participating...he just didn't go the extra mile like some of the kids who acted like they were in High School Musical part 10. Props again to the teachers for pulling for a nice, timely program!
We are going through the "Stop Bedwetting 101" course at our house. Wes has always, always been a bedwetter...every night. We have tried all suggested methods and nothing will keep him dry at night. In case it isn't showing through my blog writing...I'm really, really done with bedwetting at my house! I've suspected that there is a level of laziness involved here, but he is also the deepest sleeper I've ever met, so who knows?? When our ADT smoke alarms have malfunctioned in the middle of the night and awaken Chris and I to heart attacks, him and his brother just slept away. Scary!!! Upon taking Doc's advice I ordered the Potty Pager. I'll be posting more about this endeavour, but last night was a success. Wes is scared to death of the thing going off. It acts as a pager and also has a buzzer. (Chris has been teasing him that it shocks him) Let's just say the pager part is 30 times more powerful than a cell phone on vibrate. I think it will wake him...but we shall see. Again, more to come.
Oh, and not to short change's a cute random picture of Connor.
I know there have been other events around here that I would have liked to blog about but just didn't have the time. Hopefully, I can keep up better now that I've tackled the big events.
More to come on "Stop Bedwetting 101."
1 comment:
It's always fun reading up on the latest happenings in the Peckham household! On the whole bedwetting pediatrician told a friend of mine that some kids aren't trained until the age of 9! Their brains just don't catch up with their bladder until much later. Good luck and let me know how it goes!
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