Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! My parents were down here from Michigan today and celebrated the holiday with us. It was great to have them here and a first. I have never, in 31 years fixed a Thanksgiving dinner before, and now I can say that I have. Chris and I did great. I couldn't have done it without his help. He deep fried the turkey in the cooker and also made the dressing. Everything else I handled with easy! Thanks Hun! And thanks mom and dad for coming down! The boys were so excited they were here!

Happy Birthday to Chris as well. He isn't much for birthdays so I have to keep it low key. His parents are stopping by still tonight for cake.

I have so very much to be thankful for and I am. I am also keeping close to my heart all those families out there who are apart or with sick children. I appreciate every day with my healthy boys, meals on the table, a safe place to call home and a wonderful husband who is a great dad! You can't ask for more than that. Sometimes I feel like the luckiest woman alive!

For our brave men and women of the armed forces who are far away from home at this time, Happy Thanksgiving. My family is grateful for all that you sacrifice so that I can be thankful for the peace here at home. Also to your families who miss you and worry about you daily, thank you!

Happy Thanksgiving!

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