Monday, July 28, 2008

Fun Week

Chris and I had a great week to ourselves. I was able to spend a day at the lake with Heather. After Chris was off we ate out at all our favorite places, went golfing (I just drive the cart), saw Get Smart and Batman, slept in and relaxed in each others company. It was a great vacation. As always, going back to work after time off is never easy!

The boys also seemed to enjoy their week at G & G's house. It was a good learning experience for Connor in preparation for preschool. He hasn't been out much on his own because it always seems like Wes is somewhere with him. Connor went into his own age group at VBS and never complained. It makes me a bit more comfortable with preschool just around the corner.

I have to say that I really liked both movies we were able to see. I used to watch the Get Smart shows and found them funny, so I was stoked to see the new one with funny man Steve! It didn't let me down. Chris and I were the only one in the theater and I had lots of comments. He wasn't familiar with Max Smart, so I had to explain a few sayings. There was one scene that I was laughing so hard I had tears! So, if you are looking for a comedy, I would suggest Get Smart!

The other movie we went to see was Batman. I was a bit hesitant to go see it because I'm not the biggest follower of the series and didn't want to be clueless. However, it was fantastic. I told Chris when we sat down that I just didn't know how there could be a second Joker and that I would only think of Jack as the Joker. Boy was I wrong. This Joker stole the show! I never once thought of a past Joker. It was a great movie and I now understand what all the hype is about!

The boys and I are trying to get back into our summer routine this week. So far I'm catching up on laundry, dishes and cleaning up the house. I was a slacker last week.

I have to post again on two topics....Japanese Beatles and Wes loosing his front teeth. Those to come...after swim lessons and working out.

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