Thursday, March 26, 2009


I just burned 615 calories on the Torture Device, i.e. the elliptical machine.

It broke on Saturday and the nice repair man came today and fixed it. The nice repair man was definitely not like the crazy elliptical repair man in my dream who chased Connor and I out of our house and set it on fire?? Yeah, where does stuff like that in our dreams come from?? Really??

I can't say that I missed not having it working, but I am glad to be back into a routine again and burning over 600 calories a day in roughly 35 minutes! That thing kicks your ass!

I found out from the nice elliptical repair man that the calorie counter is very accurate for me because it is based on my weight. So, when it says I burn 615 calories, I actually am. It isn't accurate for Chris. He is actually burning way more calories than it says he is. When I told him that it really made his day. Now I'm just going to have to work harder so that I can burn more calories than him!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I still don't buy it. It's hard work, but 615 in 30 minutes? I don't think so.