We are headed to Flint tomorrow to celebrate Christmas. We will hang out there until Christmas Eve and then return home. Santa only seems to know how to find us when we are at our home. Thank you, Santa!
I'm apologizing now for the horrendous haircuts on my boys. They desperately needed haircuts this week before we leave tomorrow. Unfortunately our dear friend, John, who always cuts the boys hair has been without power thanks to the ice storm. So, what choice did I have but to whip out the clippers and cut all their hair off?
Connor looks fine...it's short on him but his hair is always shorter than Wes. Wes on the other hand definitely got the worst "do" of the two. He never fusses for John but he went nuts when I tried to cut his hair. He cried! What? Yes, he cried and if he knew enough to know what a bad buzz cut looked like when he looked in the mirror, he would continue to cry.
My mother is going to kill me when she sees them. I don't blame her....but it will be all I hear about for the next four days. Damn ice storm! I'm going to attempt to go back over Wes later tonight with the clippers and see if I can make it better. I'm sure that will work!!! NOT!!!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Ice Storm
Like most of the country, we seem to be getting our fair share of shitty weather. I would certainly classify a half inch to an inch of ice as bad weather. It sucked here on Friday. We were so, so very lucky to not lose power. Most everyone around us has been out for over 24 hours. We were only out shortly, but I was reminded how much our boys depend on electricity...and how quickly the house seemed to get cold!!
I took a few pictures. This is my attempt at cool photography. After looking at them on here it appears I failed. I am sad that our very nice birch tree took a bad hit. All three major parts of it are on the ground and one of those three have split. With temperatures staying well below freezing I'm not too hopeful that the rest of the tree will make it.
Wes' Birthday
Wes celebrated his 7th birthday last week. With the chaos of the holidays and dealing with bad weather, I haven't goten around to posting some pictures. I got to go into his class that day and I was glad I did. It was fun to watch him wig out on sugar with his classmates. Good times.
Star Wars is all our boys seem to want to play with right now. I have a feeling this will be a very Star Wars Christmas.
Monday, December 08, 2008
Holiday Mail for Heroes
Holiday Mail for Heroes is a great program sponsored by the American Red Cross. They have a goal to deliver one million holiday cards to American Service Members, Veterans and their families in the US and around the world.
The deadline to participate in this program is Wednesday, December 10. All cards must be postmarked on the 10th or they will be returned to the sender.
I'm excited to be able to go into Wes' classroom this week to provide the supplies for him and his classmates to make cards. This is a neat way for our kids to appreciate being home for the holidays and thanking our service men and women for their sacrifices!
In case you are interested:
Holiday Mail for Heroes
P.O. Box 5456
Capitol Heights, MD 20791-5456
(This replaces the program of sending cards directly to service men and woman at Walter Reed Hospital. Walter Reed will not accept cards addressed to recovering soldiers.)
The deadline to participate in this program is Wednesday, December 10. All cards must be postmarked on the 10th or they will be returned to the sender.
I'm excited to be able to go into Wes' classroom this week to provide the supplies for him and his classmates to make cards. This is a neat way for our kids to appreciate being home for the holidays and thanking our service men and women for their sacrifices!
In case you are interested:
Holiday Mail for Heroes
P.O. Box 5456
Capitol Heights, MD 20791-5456
(This replaces the program of sending cards directly to service men and woman at Walter Reed Hospital. Walter Reed will not accept cards addressed to recovering soldiers.)
Big relief
I met with Dr. Hicks this morning at Fort Wayne Orthopedics to get my bad ankle checked out. I have been having problems with it for the past month or so. It has been 10 years since I had it fused with surgery. I manged to get all my old records/x-rays from home (thanks to my aunt) and took them with me as a comparison.
Thankfully everything looked the same and none of the screws had moved. I was so concerned that something would need fixed. A new pair of orthotics was suggested as well as the walking boot I am currently wearing. It's way better than a cast and it was suggested that I use it when my ankle flairs up...as it has been.
I'd forgotten how much fun it is driving with my left foot. But, just like riding a bike, I got the hang of it again. I'm glad there wasn't anyone in the car with me while I was getting the hang of it! And for the record...it is not illegal to drive with your left foot. I've checked!
Now my mother can stop NAG, NAG, NAGGING me about my stupid ankle. I swear if she asks me one more time how it is doing I'm going to scream! I hope she goes back to worrying about GM and my Grandma and leaves me alone.
On to more important things...only 18 days till Christmas. OMG!!!
I'm happy to boast that all my shopping and wrapping is done. The house has been decorated for a while too. It's nice to have stuff done and just be able to enjoy the holidays. I intend to do some baking soon. I've gotten a bunch of old recipes from my mom that she used to make and that I loved. Looking forward to that!
My birthday is tomorrow and Wes' is Friday. Chris suggested we move my birthday to June when there is less stuff going on. Not sure we are going to get an evening out to ourselves. Sniff, sniff. My parents are coming back this weekend to spend Saturday night. It just seems like there is always something going on. Hence why I am so happy to have my shopping/wrapping done!
Thankfully everything looked the same and none of the screws had moved. I was so concerned that something would need fixed. A new pair of orthotics was suggested as well as the walking boot I am currently wearing. It's way better than a cast and it was suggested that I use it when my ankle flairs up...as it has been.
I'd forgotten how much fun it is driving with my left foot. But, just like riding a bike, I got the hang of it again. I'm glad there wasn't anyone in the car with me while I was getting the hang of it! And for the record...it is not illegal to drive with your left foot. I've checked!
Now my mother can stop NAG, NAG, NAGGING me about my stupid ankle. I swear if she asks me one more time how it is doing I'm going to scream! I hope she goes back to worrying about GM and my Grandma and leaves me alone.
On to more important things...only 18 days till Christmas. OMG!!!
I'm happy to boast that all my shopping and wrapping is done. The house has been decorated for a while too. It's nice to have stuff done and just be able to enjoy the holidays. I intend to do some baking soon. I've gotten a bunch of old recipes from my mom that she used to make and that I loved. Looking forward to that!
My birthday is tomorrow and Wes' is Friday. Chris suggested we move my birthday to June when there is less stuff going on. Not sure we are going to get an evening out to ourselves. Sniff, sniff. My parents are coming back this weekend to spend Saturday night. It just seems like there is always something going on. Hence why I am so happy to have my shopping/wrapping done!
Friday, December 05, 2008
I'm torn...
...between my family who are desperate for a GM buyout and my personal opinion that there shouldn't be buyouts!
I grew up in Flint, Michigan. We lived in Flint township, not the city of Flint, but our mailing address still said Flint. Without any siblings in my life I had the good life. I wasn't overly spoiled, but I always had what I needed and my family "played" Up North in Michigan with boats, cottages and now horses. The Flint I grew up in was a GM town, but is now just a ghost town. On my last trip home I was appalled at what is happening there. Nearly everywhere you look homes have been for sale for years and more are just abandoned. There are absolutely no jobs to be had anywhere and staggering poverty.
My parents and my grandparents are dependent on GM.
My grandparents live month to month on their $800 GM pension check. They have struggled with money their entire lives. They are not the kind of people who ever treated themselves to luxury or squander a penny. Actually, they are the cheapest people I have ever met. And now their assisted living apartment rent, which pays for the heat, electricity and food is dependent upon GM. They will have nothing if they loose their pension. They are completely dependent on GM.
My parents are dependent on GM. Dad works in the Flint Metal Fab plant and has been there since the day after he graduated from high school. He has been offered every buyout that has come to his plant, knowing full well his plant is terminal. It only has another two or three years left before it is slated to close, if not sooner. He could retire but they can't afford for him to retire. Namely because of their horses.
Now I feel sorry for my grandparents because they scrapped along in their lives just to get what they have. I do not feel sorry for my parents. The writing has been on the wall for years that this meltdown was coming. They have chosen to ignore every warning and continue on the path they have chose. They could have sold horses. Dad could have taken classes and found a "new" occupation. He could have looked for a new job. They could have left Flint...but instead they have chose to stay. And now they have no options.
My mom has the lawn and garden family business that she runs with my uncle. It has also been failing for years. When you live in a town failed by GM your business will fail too. I know my parents haven't given up and left town because the Lawn Shop, but because of their decisions now they are trapped.
If GM folds, as it will without a bailout, my parents are done for. I agree that bankruptcy for a car manufacturer will not work. We are getting close to needing to replace a GM lease and I won't purchase a GM car without knowing I will have a company and warranty to back up my car in five years.
So, I'm torn. I most certainly do not want my grandparents left with no place to live or my parents left with nothing. But I can not agree to government buyouts. I didn't agree with the financial institution bailout and I don't agree with this one. I believe in survival of the fittest and in evolution. I believe that if a company can't figure out over the course of a decade how to pull itself together or evolve, then they don't deserve to be in business. They failed. They have become extinct. My parents believe that GM has made those changes and it is the failure of the lending institutions that has brought this on. Maybe that is true and I'm being too harsh.
If Chris and I failed in our finances no one would give us money hand over fist. I don't believe it is the taxpayers responsibility to bail out a company that plain and simple failed. And I believe that even if the government actually gives them the money, that GM still will not make it. GM will just struggle on for a couple of more years and continue to fail. I even agree with Bush when I read this quote..."he is concerned about providing taxpayer money to companies "that may not survive." Ok, me agreeing with Bush? Come on people, what are we coming to in Washington?
If GM were a horse I would call the vet and have it put out of its misery. I realize how a failed GM will devastate my family as well as this entire country. I get it probably more than most people because I grew up in Flint. But there has to be a better way then giving them our hard earned tax money.
Giving them what they want is only prolonging the inevitable. And, then who is next? Who else wants to go and beg to our government for free money? Steel companies, airlines, states like California? Heck, maybe I should drive to DC in my GM car and get in line?
I wish I had the answers and I realize what a tough job our politicians have on this one. I literally feel torn in half about this. After another blow up on the phone with my mom today I also realize that I can no longer talk to her about it.
I guess I will just watch and see what happens, because that is all I, or any of us can do.
I grew up in Flint, Michigan. We lived in Flint township, not the city of Flint, but our mailing address still said Flint. Without any siblings in my life I had the good life. I wasn't overly spoiled, but I always had what I needed and my family "played" Up North in Michigan with boats, cottages and now horses. The Flint I grew up in was a GM town, but is now just a ghost town. On my last trip home I was appalled at what is happening there. Nearly everywhere you look homes have been for sale for years and more are just abandoned. There are absolutely no jobs to be had anywhere and staggering poverty.
My parents and my grandparents are dependent on GM.
My grandparents live month to month on their $800 GM pension check. They have struggled with money their entire lives. They are not the kind of people who ever treated themselves to luxury or squander a penny. Actually, they are the cheapest people I have ever met. And now their assisted living apartment rent, which pays for the heat, electricity and food is dependent upon GM. They will have nothing if they loose their pension. They are completely dependent on GM.
My parents are dependent on GM. Dad works in the Flint Metal Fab plant and has been there since the day after he graduated from high school. He has been offered every buyout that has come to his plant, knowing full well his plant is terminal. It only has another two or three years left before it is slated to close, if not sooner. He could retire but they can't afford for him to retire. Namely because of their horses.
Now I feel sorry for my grandparents because they scrapped along in their lives just to get what they have. I do not feel sorry for my parents. The writing has been on the wall for years that this meltdown was coming. They have chosen to ignore every warning and continue on the path they have chose. They could have sold horses. Dad could have taken classes and found a "new" occupation. He could have looked for a new job. They could have left Flint...but instead they have chose to stay. And now they have no options.
My mom has the lawn and garden family business that she runs with my uncle. It has also been failing for years. When you live in a town failed by GM your business will fail too. I know my parents haven't given up and left town because the Lawn Shop, but because of their decisions now they are trapped.
If GM folds, as it will without a bailout, my parents are done for. I agree that bankruptcy for a car manufacturer will not work. We are getting close to needing to replace a GM lease and I won't purchase a GM car without knowing I will have a company and warranty to back up my car in five years.
So, I'm torn. I most certainly do not want my grandparents left with no place to live or my parents left with nothing. But I can not agree to government buyouts. I didn't agree with the financial institution bailout and I don't agree with this one. I believe in survival of the fittest and in evolution. I believe that if a company can't figure out over the course of a decade how to pull itself together or evolve, then they don't deserve to be in business. They failed. They have become extinct. My parents believe that GM has made those changes and it is the failure of the lending institutions that has brought this on. Maybe that is true and I'm being too harsh.
If Chris and I failed in our finances no one would give us money hand over fist. I don't believe it is the taxpayers responsibility to bail out a company that plain and simple failed. And I believe that even if the government actually gives them the money, that GM still will not make it. GM will just struggle on for a couple of more years and continue to fail. I even agree with Bush when I read this quote..."he is concerned about providing taxpayer money to companies "that may not survive." Ok, me agreeing with Bush? Come on people, what are we coming to in Washington?
If GM were a horse I would call the vet and have it put out of its misery. I realize how a failed GM will devastate my family as well as this entire country. I get it probably more than most people because I grew up in Flint. But there has to be a better way then giving them our hard earned tax money.
Giving them what they want is only prolonging the inevitable. And, then who is next? Who else wants to go and beg to our government for free money? Steel companies, airlines, states like California? Heck, maybe I should drive to DC in my GM car and get in line?
I wish I had the answers and I realize what a tough job our politicians have on this one. I literally feel torn in half about this. After another blow up on the phone with my mom today I also realize that I can no longer talk to her about it.
I guess I will just watch and see what happens, because that is all I, or any of us can do.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Random Update
I couldn't think of a better title! I've been a slacker on here lately, but we have been so busy as a family. The weekends have been full and will continue to be so all throughout the upcoming holidays! So, here are a few recap pictures of what has been going on with us!

Wes was so stoked to get to "meet" Icy at the local hospital's Halloween Party. Icy is the Komets mascot.

"Enjoying the straw maze, I am"

Yes, that is a really, really big pumpkin!

Grandpa, the boys and their favorite barn kitty!

Trick or treating on Halloween night.
Wes was so stoked to get to "meet" Icy at the local hospital's Halloween Party. Icy is the Komets mascot.
"Enjoying the straw maze, I am"
Yes, that is a really, really big pumpkin!
Grandpa, the boys and their favorite barn kitty!
Trick or treating on Halloween night.
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
I Voted!
Did you???
There is still time...get out and vote, especially if you live in Indiana. I'm hearing today that it could all come down to us??? Now that is a scary thought. Good thing my vote cancelled out my husbands vote.
I was lucky to be able to go vote at 1:00 today. I didn't stand in line at all. According to the friendly ladies where I voted, it was the only time of the day there were no lines. Most everyone else I talked to around here stood in very, very long lines.
I'm smart and lucky. Now if my guy wins, I'll be even luckier.
There is still time...get out and vote, especially if you live in Indiana. I'm hearing today that it could all come down to us??? Now that is a scary thought. Good thing my vote cancelled out my husbands vote.
I was lucky to be able to go vote at 1:00 today. I didn't stand in line at all. According to the friendly ladies where I voted, it was the only time of the day there were no lines. Most everyone else I talked to around here stood in very, very long lines.
I'm smart and lucky. Now if my guy wins, I'll be even luckier.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Millennium Park
Millennium Park is....wow, what to say! First of all, it is a huge, 24.5 acere park now connected to Grant Park. It contains all kinds of sculpture, amazing landscaping, an outdoor concert venue and is probably one of the most popular destinations in Chicago. I'll get to the best part, people watching in a bit. Let me at least appear to have paid attention to other things besides the crazy people in the park!!
I was completely impressed by the flowers and landscaping. The views of the city were none to shabby either. It was odd to me to see huge buildings and yet be surrounded by vibrant flowers.

I loved seeing "The Bean" which I discovered is actually called The Cloud Gate. I like "The Bean" much better. It's basically a big, stainless steel bean. Loved it! It's also lots of fun trying to take your picture with its reflection...and as Chris also discovered, it's fun to mess with other peoples pictures!


Ok, so now lets just stop with the nicities and get down to what was really so great about the park....the crazy, wacky people who were in the park! I love people watching! It's the best!! I'm not sure how best to prove how good the people watching was other than to show you the pictures and tell you about the pictures that got away.
There were several wedding parties in the park for obvious picture reasons! I guess I have missed out on the newest wedding trends, but I believe this is what hooker brides ask their best friends to wear.

I think she was actually proud of her dress. Can you tell? And, these poor sailors got sucked into nearly ever photo opp with every bride.

Ok, sing along with me now...."One of these things is not like the other, one of these things just doesn't belong!"

Now here is just an example of a people watchers dream come true. You got bad bridesmaid hanging out waiting for her photo opp, the other bridal party whoring out to the sailors and then you have Asian girl that just appears out of no where and practically starts undressing herself for her own photo opp. WOW!!!!

And then, just when I thought is was safe to leave because all the great spotting had been done, in strolls Miss Thing In Pink! Hold the boat folks, I'm not going anywhere.

and....she brought her pimps along too!

Yup, my friends, you can't make this stuff up!!!

Oh...and there was more. It was like worlds collide when the "Bad Bridesmaids", met up with the "Good Bridesmaids" and the "Vision in Pink" for a photo opp all together. Wow! Then, right after all that cleared out we had a crazy old guy dressed in a bag pippers uniform, with no bag pipe, that came strolling by saluting anyone who would make eye contact with him!
Truly, it was complete people watching fullfillment! A dream come true.
I was completely impressed by the flowers and landscaping. The views of the city were none to shabby either. It was odd to me to see huge buildings and yet be surrounded by vibrant flowers.
I loved seeing "The Bean" which I discovered is actually called The Cloud Gate. I like "The Bean" much better. It's basically a big, stainless steel bean. Loved it! It's also lots of fun trying to take your picture with its reflection...and as Chris also discovered, it's fun to mess with other peoples pictures!
Ok, so now lets just stop with the nicities and get down to what was really so great about the park....the crazy, wacky people who were in the park! I love people watching! It's the best!! I'm not sure how best to prove how good the people watching was other than to show you the pictures and tell you about the pictures that got away.
There were several wedding parties in the park for obvious picture reasons! I guess I have missed out on the newest wedding trends, but I believe this is what hooker brides ask their best friends to wear.
I think she was actually proud of her dress. Can you tell? And, these poor sailors got sucked into nearly ever photo opp with every bride.
Ok, sing along with me now...."One of these things is not like the other, one of these things just doesn't belong!"
Now here is just an example of a people watchers dream come true. You got bad bridesmaid hanging out waiting for her photo opp, the other bridal party whoring out to the sailors and then you have Asian girl that just appears out of no where and practically starts undressing herself for her own photo opp. WOW!!!!
And then, just when I thought is was safe to leave because all the great spotting had been done, in strolls Miss Thing In Pink! Hold the boat folks, I'm not going anywhere.
and....she brought her pimps along too!
Yup, my friends, you can't make this stuff up!!!
Oh...and there was more. It was like worlds collide when the "Bad Bridesmaids", met up with the "Good Bridesmaids" and the "Vision in Pink" for a photo opp all together. Wow! Then, right after all that cleared out we had a crazy old guy dressed in a bag pippers uniform, with no bag pipe, that came strolling by saluting anyone who would make eye contact with him!
Truly, it was complete people watching fullfillment! A dream come true.
Chicago was fantastic. Chris and I had a wonderful weekend together (just the two of us) celebrating 10 years ago that we "reunited" in Chicago! We had a blast and the weather was gorgeous...almost too hot!
After dropping the boys off at G & G's house Friday evening, I drove to Napanee to meet Chris. I had forgotten that Napanee is home to a very large Amish population. I was reminded of that Amish population as I was driving down back rural roads in the dark trying to dodge buggies and cycles! Yikes!
He and his crew had a Friday night football game at Northwood High School. It was the first, in a long time, that I had a chance to watch him officiate. I enjoyed myself and got a good taste of high school and middle school children. Mine are never allowed to grow into that breed! Agh...they were awful!
After his game was done we drove on to Merrillville to spend the night. It was well past my bedtime but I managed to stay awake for some food at Buffalo Wild Wings! I guess that is a standing tradition that the crew always eats there after a game.
We drove into Chicago on a beautiful, sunny, Saturday. For old times sake we went past downtown and into the Lincoln Park neighborhood, where Chris had his apartment. This is the same small apartment that we managed to co-habitat for a few months after we were married. We took a few pictures for the boys to see where we used to live!
It's the building with the black door.
We then proceeded downtown to an early check-in at the Renaissance Hotel. The hotel and the room was gorgeous. We have stayed at many different Renaissance Hotels and they have never let us down. It was perfectly situated on the river at Wacker Drive. Which was a great spot to walk to Michigan Avenue and Millennium Park. Millennium Park was an event all in itself and worthy of a second post!
We joined the thousands of shoppers and Chicago Marathon Runners who were walking up and down Michigan Avenue. To our disappointment, FAO Schwartz had closed their store. We had hoped to do some early holiday shopping for the boys. Oh well.
After relaxing, after all our walking, we got ready for the highlight of our weekend. A virtual beef feeding frenzy was in store for us at Fogo De Chao. It was the most full I have ever been after a meal. The food was amazing. And, it just kept coming and coming for as long as I could take it....and the mashed potatoes were great too. I finally had to stop after I thought my button on my dress jeans was going to pop off and wound some other diner. And, as if that wasn't enough...the amazing wait staff overheard us talking about our 10th anniversary and brought out this huge piece of chocolate cake with "Happy Anniversary" written on the plate. We were both surprised! It was all I could do to walk out of there.
It was a beautiful evening to walk and we had a great time! After an hour or two I started to feel like I could breath again...I really have never been so full. Thanksgiving meal has nothing on that place.
Sunday was the Chicago Marathon. Obviously, we were not running the race, but we watched it from the 18th floor of our room. That is about as close as I will ever get to a marathon! Runners started going by on the street below at 8:00. You could tell the real runners from the fun runners. The real runners were hauling ass and had the trucks with the camera guys following them. The real mass of runners came by much later!
We headed back to pick up the boys Sunday and just hung out for the rest of the day. Thankfully, Chris took today off, so it was nice having him around for the long weekend.
I can't thank Chris enough for remembering this special anniversary for us and for finding a way to make the weekend happen. Thank you for handling all the arrangements, reservations and taking the time off to spend the weekend with me! You are the best! I'm looking forward to many more anniversaries with you!
Sunday, October 05, 2008
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday to my Grandma, Mouse. Yes, that is what I call her and I always have. Don't ask, I don't know why! Anyway...Happy Birthday to Mouse. When I called her this morning in Michigan she was debating going to "see the Indians". Which is code for going to the casino. Good luck if you go!
These were some pictures the boys sent to her today!

These were some pictures the boys sent to her today!
Miss You!
Chris is headed out for business to Colorado today. Sniff, sniff...I will miss him. I'm always sad when he isn't here! Fly safe, Hun! Funny, I always told him that when he traveled every week....like he has any control over his flight!
But, I definitely have something to look forward to while he is gone. Chris and I will be headed to Chicago next weekend to celebrate a 10 year anniversary. It isn't our wedding anniversary, but it is the exact weekend that we "reunited" 10 years ago. We are both very much looking forward to roaming around Chicago together, just like old times!
I'm on my own till Thursday, so hopefully my little dudes will behave themselves. Have a good week everyone!
But, I definitely have something to look forward to while he is gone. Chris and I will be headed to Chicago next weekend to celebrate a 10 year anniversary. It isn't our wedding anniversary, but it is the exact weekend that we "reunited" 10 years ago. We are both very much looking forward to roaming around Chicago together, just like old times!
I'm on my own till Thursday, so hopefully my little dudes will behave themselves. Have a good week everyone!
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Post Turtle
I get lots of e-mail jokes and such, but this might be my new favorite!
This is the best short summary of the Palin phenomenon.
Post Turtle
While suturing a cut on the hand of a 75-year old Texas rancher, the doctor struck up a conversation with the old man. Eventually the topic got around to Sarah Palin and her bid to be a heartbeat away from being President.
The old rancher said, ' Well, ya know, Palin is a post turtle.'
Not being familiar with the term, the doctor asked him what a post turtle was. The old rancher said, ' When you're driving down a country road and you come across a fence post with a turtle balanced on top, that's a post turtle.'
The old rancher saw a puzzled look on the doctor's face, so he continued to explain.
"You know, she didn't get up there by herself, she doesn't belong up there, she doesn't know what to do while she is up there, and you just wonder what kind of dumb ass put her up there to begin with."
This is the best short summary of the Palin phenomenon.
Post Turtle
While suturing a cut on the hand of a 75-year old Texas rancher, the doctor struck up a conversation with the old man. Eventually the topic got around to Sarah Palin and her bid to be a heartbeat away from being President.
The old rancher said, ' Well, ya know, Palin is a post turtle.'
Not being familiar with the term, the doctor asked him what a post turtle was. The old rancher said, ' When you're driving down a country road and you come across a fence post with a turtle balanced on top, that's a post turtle.'
The old rancher saw a puzzled look on the doctor's face, so he continued to explain.
"You know, she didn't get up there by herself, she doesn't belong up there, she doesn't know what to do while she is up there, and you just wonder what kind of dumb ass put her up there to begin with."
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
I'm curious how the whole current financial drama is going to play out over the next few days. I see that McCain wants to suspend his campaign to return to his real job and try and "fix" things.
Apparently his fix, and our current crappy administrations fix, would be asking American taxpayers to cough up our hard earned money. Where exactly do they think all this money is going to come from in order to fix things? I fail to see the logic of asking us taxpayers (some of us who seem to have our financial affairs in order) to pay for the mistakes of businesses and individuals who screwed up.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but if I went out and overspent thousands of dollars on credit no one in their right mind would just give me the money to pay it back??
Apparently his fix, and our current crappy administrations fix, would be asking American taxpayers to cough up our hard earned money. Where exactly do they think all this money is going to come from in order to fix things? I fail to see the logic of asking us taxpayers (some of us who seem to have our financial affairs in order) to pay for the mistakes of businesses and individuals who screwed up.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but if I went out and overspent thousands of dollars on credit no one in their right mind would just give me the money to pay it back??
Monday, September 22, 2008
Pumpkin pickin'
I took the boys to Flint over the weekend. Chris was in his happy place with a Friday night game and a Saturday Purdue game. Rather than stay home bored with the boys, I headed to Flint. As usual, the boys had a blast hanging out on the farm.
While I thought it would be too early, the pumpkins were mostly ready to be picked. What the deer hadn't eaten were starting to rot. Something about the weather this season was not good for pumpkins. So, the boys helped find pumpkins in the field while us grown ups did the "harvesting". That was a good work out I might add. I can't tell you how many times I almost fell on my butt trying to get through the weeds carrying a huge pumpkin!
We were almost all covered in mud by the time we were done. We then got to haul all the pumpkins up to the barn, wash them and stack them. Dad saw fit to let the boys take turns with being hose handlers. So by the time all that was completed I was a muddy, soaked mess! And, you guessed it...the boys loved it!
They got to ride the big tractor, fling poo or spread manure, drive the golf cart, drive the 4 wheeler and get dirty. Basically ever little boys dream come true weekend. Oh, and there was a new barn kitty to play with as well.

Sunday, September 14, 2008
Findlay Reunion
I took the boys with me on Saturday for a mini University of Findlay reunion with my Findlay friends. All three of the gals live in Ohio. There is Laura from Columbus, who was my maid of honor, Stephanie from Cleveland and Melissa from Findlay. We all vary in different life styles but we enjoyed getting together and visiting for the afternoon.
Counting my two boys there were 6 kids total and mostly close in age. This was nice because the boys had new friends to play with. Although, once they discovered the Wii they didn't venture too far from the living room. The Wii is definitely on Santa's list this year. It will have to be highly monitored, otherwise they would just play it all the time. Much like how we currently only will allow Play Station to be played on weekends.
Anyway...I digressed.
Saturday was a lot of fun. It was nice to get caught up with everyone. Plus, we made a trip out to the farm. I haven't been out there since I graduated, 13 years ago. They have made some nice improvements and the barns were completely full of horses. And, much nicer horses I must add from when we were there. We were one of the first classes in the English program, so it was in its infancy. I'd give an eye tooth for any of the horses they have there now!
It made me want to start riding again. Not an easy taste for our current life style. It was a fun day and I'm glad we all found time to make it work.
Counting my two boys there were 6 kids total and mostly close in age. This was nice because the boys had new friends to play with. Although, once they discovered the Wii they didn't venture too far from the living room. The Wii is definitely on Santa's list this year. It will have to be highly monitored, otherwise they would just play it all the time. Much like how we currently only will allow Play Station to be played on weekends.
Anyway...I digressed.
Saturday was a lot of fun. It was nice to get caught up with everyone. Plus, we made a trip out to the farm. I haven't been out there since I graduated, 13 years ago. They have made some nice improvements and the barns were completely full of horses. And, much nicer horses I must add from when we were there. We were one of the first classes in the English program, so it was in its infancy. I'd give an eye tooth for any of the horses they have there now!
It made me want to start riding again. Not an easy taste for our current life style. It was a fun day and I'm glad we all found time to make it work.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Take a hike, Ike!
My thoughts are with all Texans tonight as they prepare to be hit by Ike tonight and tomorrow. This storm chicken would be well out of there by now, but for those that stayed, be safe and good luck!
Haflinger National Horse Show
Thursday I was able to escape with Connor for the day to head down to the Indy area. My parents have been there for most of the week at their Haflinger National Horse Show. They took three horses with them this year. They were only showing their five year old, Deb, in halter classes and driving their other two geldings. I wasn't able to be there today while they were driving. Darn! I enjoy watching mom and dad drive. She is tough to beat!
I was happy to see them do well while I was there. Their mare won her halter class and then took Senior Grand Champion Mare. She was then up against the Junior Grand Champion Mare and got Reserve Grand Champion. Which, was a joke because she was a way better horse than the one that beat her...and I'm not just saying that because I'm a sore looser. I will always tell mom the honest truth of when a better horse beats them. But that wasn't the case this time. I've sat and judged those classes for years and I know enough to know they got screwed! Nothing you can do about it. I felt bad for my mom because she wanted Grand Champion more than anything! Not to mention that mom can be scary at horse shows so it is always better when she wins!
Here are a couple of pictures from while we were there.

I was happy to see them do well while I was there. Their mare won her halter class and then took Senior Grand Champion Mare. She was then up against the Junior Grand Champion Mare and got Reserve Grand Champion. Which, was a joke because she was a way better horse than the one that beat her...and I'm not just saying that because I'm a sore looser. I will always tell mom the honest truth of when a better horse beats them. But that wasn't the case this time. I've sat and judged those classes for years and I know enough to know they got screwed! Nothing you can do about it. I felt bad for my mom because she wanted Grand Champion more than anything! Not to mention that mom can be scary at horse shows so it is always better when she wins!
Here are a couple of pictures from while we were there.
Monday, September 08, 2008
Connor did great!
Big sigh of relief here. We made it through the first day of preschool for Connor. And, I do me WE. I shed most of my tears last night with just Chris and got it out of my system.
Connor was excited and happy to be at school this morning. Tami and I walked Connor and Zoe into their classroom and off they went. I manged to get a kiss from him and Zoe took him by the hand and away they went. I get bonus points for not shedding any tears. I was just really happy to see him be okay with it all. He seemed to really enjoy playing on the playground the most.
We took them out to lunch at Pizza Hutt afterwards to celebrate their first day. Good for Connor! I did manage a picture or too...perhaps Chris can get them on the computer for me later!
Connor was excited and happy to be at school this morning. Tami and I walked Connor and Zoe into their classroom and off they went. I manged to get a kiss from him and Zoe took him by the hand and away they went. I get bonus points for not shedding any tears. I was just really happy to see him be okay with it all. He seemed to really enjoy playing on the playground the most.
We took them out to lunch at Pizza Hutt afterwards to celebrate their first day. Good for Connor! I did manage a picture or too...perhaps Chris can get them on the computer for me later!
Friday, September 05, 2008
Connor and preschool
Just got back from Connor's preschool open house. He did very well and was good with his teachers. We stayed for a while because it takes him so long to warm up to different places. I'm sad to be taking my "baby" to preschool. I had to actually hold back tears a couple of times while I was watching him explore. It just doesn't seem possible.
Monday is his first day of school and I'm sure I will be a babbling idiot then. Looking forward to that...NOT!
Monday is his first day of school and I'm sure I will be a babbling idiot then. Looking forward to that...NOT!
Thursday, September 04, 2008
I don't like to talk about politics.
There is a standing agreement between Chris and I that we do not talk about politics, ever. We do not agree on any single aspect of politics. Nothing positive ever, I repeat, ever comes out of my talking about politics with Chris. I guess you can say that with certain aspects of my relationship with my husband, opposites attract. I'm a Democrat, he is not.
I know I shouldn't do it here either...but I have to make a few comments about politics and mainly the newest poster girl of the week. No, I did not watch the Republican Convention last night so that I could listen to Sarah Palin. Shocking I know...especially because I'm a woman and a mom and I'm supposed to bow to her mommyness. I'd rather have the remaining nine toenails I have ripped out one at time than tune in to listen to her or the rest of her party. In all fairness, I didn't watch the other "historical" convention hoopla either.
I wasn't going to be voting for the McCain ticket, so it isn't like putting her on the ticket swayed me or anything. But I want to say this about her... I'm sure she is a great speaker, I'm sure she is an up an coming Republican, I'm sure she could be a terrific Governor given more time....but as a mother..she sucks.
I obviously have none of the basic details of how she mothers her children. I don't know if she reads them a bed time story at night or car pools them around to practice. I don't know if she has sewn many Halloween costumes or suffered through bad pregnancies. I'm sure she can make just as mean of a chocolate chip cookie as the rest of us moms. However, she has no business being on that ticket and subjecting her family to all that it brings with it.
She knowingly, with all the facts prior to making her decision, chose to be on the republican ballot with a 17 year old pregnant daughter at home. Her daughter will need her. She knowingly chose to be on that ticket knowing that she has an infant child at home. Let alone an infant with Down Syndrome. Her infant will need her. She knowingly chose to walk away from all five of her young children so that she could further her career based on the token move of a desperate old man grasping at straws. All of her children need her.
I have on rare occasions been away from my young children for more than a few days at a time and they miss me. Dad does a great job and the boys are just fine upon my return, but they miss me and I miss them. I couldn't imagine being away from them for the kind of commitment a presidential campaign entails.
No mother in her right mind would dare put her young pregnant daughter into the limelight. Especially knowing that the press would be all over it and she would be dragged through the news. I'd sooner give my right arm before bringing national attention to an unwed pregnant daughter and a child with a disease. Using her mommy goodness to win votes is disgusting. Even if the press hardly touched those stories everyone in the country knows her daughter is pregnant. That is just not okay!
I don't like her for a lot of reasons....she is pro NRA, she believes Roe vs Wade should be overturned, she wants to teach creationism in schools, she has no international experience and she is a Republican...but allowing negative attention to be brought on her children based on her own political career should be the definition of bad mom! Even if she were a Democrat and I agreed with every single one of her policies I would still feel the same way. What she is doing is shameful.
Once again, I'm probably all alone in my boat, that's fine. I'm used to being the wacko with weird religion and political beliefs. I won't take the token bait that McCain is hoping moms across the country will bite upon. Don't expect me, a proud woman and proud mom to be singing All Praise Palin. She should be ashamed of what she is putting her daughter and other children through. All I can hope is that for the sake of her children McCain takes a shit and Sara gets to go back home to Alaska to do some hunting, fishing and grandchild raising.
There is a standing agreement between Chris and I that we do not talk about politics, ever. We do not agree on any single aspect of politics. Nothing positive ever, I repeat, ever comes out of my talking about politics with Chris. I guess you can say that with certain aspects of my relationship with my husband, opposites attract. I'm a Democrat, he is not.
I know I shouldn't do it here either...but I have to make a few comments about politics and mainly the newest poster girl of the week. No, I did not watch the Republican Convention last night so that I could listen to Sarah Palin. Shocking I know...especially because I'm a woman and a mom and I'm supposed to bow to her mommyness. I'd rather have the remaining nine toenails I have ripped out one at time than tune in to listen to her or the rest of her party. In all fairness, I didn't watch the other "historical" convention hoopla either.
I wasn't going to be voting for the McCain ticket, so it isn't like putting her on the ticket swayed me or anything. But I want to say this about her... I'm sure she is a great speaker, I'm sure she is an up an coming Republican, I'm sure she could be a terrific Governor given more time....but as a mother..she sucks.
I obviously have none of the basic details of how she mothers her children. I don't know if she reads them a bed time story at night or car pools them around to practice. I don't know if she has sewn many Halloween costumes or suffered through bad pregnancies. I'm sure she can make just as mean of a chocolate chip cookie as the rest of us moms. However, she has no business being on that ticket and subjecting her family to all that it brings with it.
She knowingly, with all the facts prior to making her decision, chose to be on the republican ballot with a 17 year old pregnant daughter at home. Her daughter will need her. She knowingly chose to be on that ticket knowing that she has an infant child at home. Let alone an infant with Down Syndrome. Her infant will need her. She knowingly chose to walk away from all five of her young children so that she could further her career based on the token move of a desperate old man grasping at straws. All of her children need her.
I have on rare occasions been away from my young children for more than a few days at a time and they miss me. Dad does a great job and the boys are just fine upon my return, but they miss me and I miss them. I couldn't imagine being away from them for the kind of commitment a presidential campaign entails.
No mother in her right mind would dare put her young pregnant daughter into the limelight. Especially knowing that the press would be all over it and she would be dragged through the news. I'd sooner give my right arm before bringing national attention to an unwed pregnant daughter and a child with a disease. Using her mommy goodness to win votes is disgusting. Even if the press hardly touched those stories everyone in the country knows her daughter is pregnant. That is just not okay!
I don't like her for a lot of reasons....she is pro NRA, she believes Roe vs Wade should be overturned, she wants to teach creationism in schools, she has no international experience and she is a Republican...but allowing negative attention to be brought on her children based on her own political career should be the definition of bad mom! Even if she were a Democrat and I agreed with every single one of her policies I would still feel the same way. What she is doing is shameful.
Once again, I'm probably all alone in my boat, that's fine. I'm used to being the wacko with weird religion and political beliefs. I won't take the token bait that McCain is hoping moms across the country will bite upon. Don't expect me, a proud woman and proud mom to be singing All Praise Palin. She should be ashamed of what she is putting her daughter and other children through. All I can hope is that for the sake of her children McCain takes a shit and Sara gets to go back home to Alaska to do some hunting, fishing and grandchild raising.
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
"I Kissed a Girl....
....and I Liked It"
The context of that song may be a bit off, but my six year old son kissed a girl, and he liked it. Yes, there are so many things wrong with that statement, that I don't even know where to begin!
I guess I could be happy that he likes girls. I'm trying to hold onto the positives at this point. I know that is what my husband was thinking, he just hasn't had the nerve to admit that to me yet. The girl he kissed is his six year old best friend and neighbor. She has been best friends with Wes for nearly 3 years and their birthdays are two weeks apart.
Apparently she told her Dad that Wes kissed her. The kiss in question happened Sunday while our families were together for a cook out. We spent the afternoon next door and Chris smoked a pork butt (which was great - I must add). We had a great afternoon and evening. Played lots of ladder toss, drank lots of beer, ate lots of food, played dominoes and apparently Wes did some kissing! Who knew?
He is six! What the hell? After Chris asked him tonight if anything weird happened on Sunday he fessed up.
"Does kissing count as weird?"
Hmmm....let me think about that. Hell yeah... when you are six! I think my eyes just about popped out of my head at the dinner table. My innocent six year old is kissing?
If I hadn't been so appalled and near crying because my six, did I mention he is six, year old son was kissing his best friend I probably would have been laughing. He was obviously super embarrassed because he dropped his dinner fork about 4 times and kept giggling. Eye contact didn't exist much either.
We had a nice long chat and according to him she asked him to kiss her. To which he obviously obliged. It seems that there was a second kiss that he decided to give to her. After talking to Tami it sounds like it was mutual and no one put them up to it. Worse yet...experimentation at six. I also believe that her having an older sister probably had something to do with this. Wes just doesn't know a darn thing,or so I thought, about kissing and relationships. He never watches that stuff on t.v. and I know her and her sister are always talking about boyfriends and all that stuff.
I guess this is the point that I become thankful that I don't have girls.
Obviously we told him the problem with kissing girls at a young age, especially his best friend, and he agreed that the proper age for kissing is 20. I asked that he wait till he was 18, but he thought 20 sounded better. Far be it for me not to agree with 20.
I feel some gray hairs sprouting this evening.
The context of that song may be a bit off, but my six year old son kissed a girl, and he liked it. Yes, there are so many things wrong with that statement, that I don't even know where to begin!
I guess I could be happy that he likes girls. I'm trying to hold onto the positives at this point. I know that is what my husband was thinking, he just hasn't had the nerve to admit that to me yet. The girl he kissed is his six year old best friend and neighbor. She has been best friends with Wes for nearly 3 years and their birthdays are two weeks apart.
Apparently she told her Dad that Wes kissed her. The kiss in question happened Sunday while our families were together for a cook out. We spent the afternoon next door and Chris smoked a pork butt (which was great - I must add). We had a great afternoon and evening. Played lots of ladder toss, drank lots of beer, ate lots of food, played dominoes and apparently Wes did some kissing! Who knew?
He is six! What the hell? After Chris asked him tonight if anything weird happened on Sunday he fessed up.
"Does kissing count as weird?"
Hmmm....let me think about that. Hell yeah... when you are six! I think my eyes just about popped out of my head at the dinner table. My innocent six year old is kissing?
If I hadn't been so appalled and near crying because my six, did I mention he is six, year old son was kissing his best friend I probably would have been laughing. He was obviously super embarrassed because he dropped his dinner fork about 4 times and kept giggling. Eye contact didn't exist much either.
We had a nice long chat and according to him she asked him to kiss her. To which he obviously obliged. It seems that there was a second kiss that he decided to give to her. After talking to Tami it sounds like it was mutual and no one put them up to it. Worse yet...experimentation at six. I also believe that her having an older sister probably had something to do with this. Wes just doesn't know a darn thing,or so I thought, about kissing and relationships. He never watches that stuff on t.v. and I know her and her sister are always talking about boyfriends and all that stuff.
I guess this is the point that I become thankful that I don't have girls.
Obviously we told him the problem with kissing girls at a young age, especially his best friend, and he agreed that the proper age for kissing is 20. I asked that he wait till he was 18, but he thought 20 sounded better. Far be it for me not to agree with 20.
I feel some gray hairs sprouting this evening.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Big day, big day....
...it's back to school today!
Wes is hopefully enjoying his first full day of first grade. Kindergarten for him last year was half day, so he is taking a big step today by going to full day. He will be eating lunch as school, having recess on the "big playground" and riding the bus home.
He was very excited about school today. I'm happy that he likes school and doesn't seem to get stressed about new things like this. I can't wait to hear how the day went for him.
On a mom note...I'm a bit sad about his being gone all day. While the peace is sure nice and Connor is loving it..it's just hard to believe that my little boy is old enough to be at school all day. Where has the time gone? I don't want him to grow up just yet.
Wes is hopefully enjoying his first full day of first grade. Kindergarten for him last year was half day, so he is taking a big step today by going to full day. He will be eating lunch as school, having recess on the "big playground" and riding the bus home.
He was very excited about school today. I'm happy that he likes school and doesn't seem to get stressed about new things like this. I can't wait to hear how the day went for him.
On a mom note...I'm a bit sad about his being gone all day. While the peace is sure nice and Connor is loving it..it's just hard to believe that my little boy is old enough to be at school all day. Where has the time gone? I don't want him to grow up just yet.
Friday, August 15, 2008
It's Official...
...football has begun.
Chris had his first of a series of officials football meetings last night and tonight is his first game to ref. Even though he says, "It's just a scrimmage"...it's the first of the high school football season. I have to get my game back and start the boys and my Friday night rituals!
And something else football season means....school starts for Wes next week. Thank goodness. I didn't think I was going to make it another week with a bored first grader. He is excited to go back to school. Good for him and even better for me. Connor will start pre-school a couple of weeks later.
Chris had his first of a series of officials football meetings last night and tonight is his first game to ref. Even though he says, "It's just a scrimmage"...it's the first of the high school football season. I have to get my game back and start the boys and my Friday night rituals!
And something else football season means....school starts for Wes next week. Thank goodness. I didn't think I was going to make it another week with a bored first grader. He is excited to go back to school. Good for him and even better for me. Connor will start pre-school a couple of weeks later.
Friday, August 08, 2008
ADT update
Props to ADT. I must admit that I didn't expect much to happen with ADT. I was wrong. It was nice that they took me seriously and decided it was worth the time to fix things at our house.
A repair tech was here earlier and replaced the basement fire detector. While here he also looked at and changed batteries in another problem area in our house.
Thank you ADT for good customer service and hopefully fixing our fire alarm problem.
A repair tech was here earlier and replaced the basement fire detector. While here he also looked at and changed batteries in another problem area in our house.
Thank you ADT for good customer service and hopefully fixing our fire alarm problem.
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Fire ADT?
It happened again at 2:45 last night. It has probably happened, with us at home, 3 other times and always at night. Every time it happens I swear it takes a couple of years off our lives.
You are wondering what IT is, aren't you? Our very loud, very intense, ADT fire alarm went off again at 2:45 in the morning. This happens from time to time and there is no logical reason for it...according to ADT. It is terrifying to wake from a dead sleep to a deafening alarm and a male voice blaring "FIRE, FIRE, LEAVE IMMEDIATELY". And, of course there is no fire - thankfully! Another scary part of this is that our boys do not wake up. I know they are sound sleepers...but it is mind boggling to me they can't hear it. I believe the neighbors could hear it.
Chris and I bolted out of bed. I failed to get the alarm turned off upstairs during my heart attack and Chris ran downstairs to turn it off. We have this routine down now. I grab the phone because ADT will be calling in seconds from when it goes off to decide if they need to stop the firetruck.
Yes, a firetruck is deployed automatically unless ADT tells the fire department it is a false alarm. We have been out of town when this has happened and the firetruck came to our house. We have also been home when this has happened and somehow missed the call from ADT only for me to have to greet the firemen at our front door in the middle of the night. That was embarrassing. It NEVER happens during the day, of course.
You can see that that this is highly frustrating. I've tried to deal with ADT about it and I refuse to pay for a service call to fix their problem. Last I talked with them the basement fire detector (which is always the one with the problem) had been put on stand-by to not do this, but obviously something has changed.
Now here is our dilemma. We keep talking about firing ADT. We hardly ever use the home security part. However, I do feel safe having the fire service (even if it doesn't seem to properly work) because it would definitely protect our house if we ever actually had a fire. Hell, firetrucks have been out to our house twice. The system also has a dinger on the doors whenever a main door is opened. That is my favorite feature. I know if the boys have gone in or out and it really helps to keep an eye on them. No one can get in without me knowing it.
All that being said, the heart attacks in the middle of the night are getting old. We can never get back to sleep because it is just terrifying to wake up like that. I could only think last night after going back to bed what could have happened and I really never got back to sleep. How would we have gotten out, would we have been able to get out the main floor, would we have to use the fire ladder....aghhhhh.
So, we don't know what to do. I'm going to call ADT back again today and "talk" about last night...but I don't think anything will come of it. Anyone out there had this problem?
You are wondering what IT is, aren't you? Our very loud, very intense, ADT fire alarm went off again at 2:45 in the morning. This happens from time to time and there is no logical reason for it...according to ADT. It is terrifying to wake from a dead sleep to a deafening alarm and a male voice blaring "FIRE, FIRE, LEAVE IMMEDIATELY". And, of course there is no fire - thankfully! Another scary part of this is that our boys do not wake up. I know they are sound sleepers...but it is mind boggling to me they can't hear it. I believe the neighbors could hear it.
Chris and I bolted out of bed. I failed to get the alarm turned off upstairs during my heart attack and Chris ran downstairs to turn it off. We have this routine down now. I grab the phone because ADT will be calling in seconds from when it goes off to decide if they need to stop the firetruck.
Yes, a firetruck is deployed automatically unless ADT tells the fire department it is a false alarm. We have been out of town when this has happened and the firetruck came to our house. We have also been home when this has happened and somehow missed the call from ADT only for me to have to greet the firemen at our front door in the middle of the night. That was embarrassing. It NEVER happens during the day, of course.
You can see that that this is highly frustrating. I've tried to deal with ADT about it and I refuse to pay for a service call to fix their problem. Last I talked with them the basement fire detector (which is always the one with the problem) had been put on stand-by to not do this, but obviously something has changed.
Now here is our dilemma. We keep talking about firing ADT. We hardly ever use the home security part. However, I do feel safe having the fire service (even if it doesn't seem to properly work) because it would definitely protect our house if we ever actually had a fire. Hell, firetrucks have been out to our house twice. The system also has a dinger on the doors whenever a main door is opened. That is my favorite feature. I know if the boys have gone in or out and it really helps to keep an eye on them. No one can get in without me knowing it.
All that being said, the heart attacks in the middle of the night are getting old. We can never get back to sleep because it is just terrifying to wake up like that. I could only think last night after going back to bed what could have happened and I really never got back to sleep. How would we have gotten out, would we have been able to get out the main floor, would we have to use the fire ladder....aghhhhh.
So, we don't know what to do. I'm going to call ADT back again today and "talk" about last night...but I don't think anything will come of it. Anyone out there had this problem?
Monday, August 04, 2008
Girls Weekend Revisited
We had a great weekend. I would recommend this trip to anyone looking for a quick getaway, families included. We loaded up the car and left around 5:00 on Friday and it only took us about 2.5 hours to get to South Haven, Mi. We went to our camp ground, which I will give high points too.
South Haven Family Campground was easy to find and almost brand new. Any concern I had about the facility being clean were quickly gone. Our cabin was just as cute as could be and very clean. It had two beds that could sleep 4 on the "main" level and then a loft that could also sleep children. Plus, it had AC or heat, if you were there in the winter. Directly across from us were the bathroom facilities and they were also very clean and had individual showers with doors that you could lock, a bonus.

We had some very interesting neighbors. Let me just say that they provided lots of entertainment for us while we were sitting out in the evenings. I will say no more! They informed us once (and I think they thought we were lesbians) that we were the quietest neighbors they have ever had. I don't think they thought it was a compliment, even though I took it that way.
We spent Saturday making our way from South Haven, to Saugatuck and then to New Douglas. Each town had lots of fun shops, cool places to eat on the water, beaches, and bonus, wine tasting shops.


We made our way to only one winery on Saturday and that was Fenn Valley. We were there with less than a half hour before their closing. That wasn't a problem, but the ladies behind the counter serving us were grumpy. They hardly even conversed with us. Which, isn't generally the way wine tasting works.
We had a great time in the tasting room for Tabor Hill Winery located in Saugatuck. The gentleman that helped us spent lots of time with us and answered lots of questions. Plus he carded us...that made our day!
While in New Douglas on Saturday we came across a little wine tasting room called Corkscrew. They make their own wine from purchased grape juice. We were the only two people in the shop and the gentlemen there spent lots of time with us explaining how certain wines are made. He was lots of fun!
Sunday we packed up and headed out to roam around the Benton Harbor area. I think we actually ended up in St. Joseph. We lucked out and found a large antique show going on. That was interesting to check out. We went through a few shops and then headed out to find a few more wineries in the area. Along the way we came across the town of Coloma. The Glad Peach Festival was going on, who knew?
We checked out the Glad Peach Fest and then headed to the Karma Vista Winery. Karma Vista had very nice views perched on top of a big hill. We enjoyed tasting there. There was an expensive painting there that I just loved. Had I known at the time that my husband, back home taking care of the boys, had purchased himself a new toy (a Play Station 3) I may have pulled the trigger on that painting. Probably best for our budget that I didn't know!
Our last winery of the trip was Contessa Wine Cellars. Contessa wasn't there. Just two odd girls who weren't very talkative. They did have a cat, but that was about the coolest part of their place.
We had a fun time. I ended up buying a lot of wine, local fruit, and a new purse! It was relaxing and as always, full of laughs with Heather around. We get in so much trouble together. Thank you to Chris for taking care of the boys this weekend, I couldn't have gone without him.
If you are interested in visiting any of these places check out the following:
South Haven Family Campground was easy to find and almost brand new. Any concern I had about the facility being clean were quickly gone. Our cabin was just as cute as could be and very clean. It had two beds that could sleep 4 on the "main" level and then a loft that could also sleep children. Plus, it had AC or heat, if you were there in the winter. Directly across from us were the bathroom facilities and they were also very clean and had individual showers with doors that you could lock, a bonus.
We had some very interesting neighbors. Let me just say that they provided lots of entertainment for us while we were sitting out in the evenings. I will say no more! They informed us once (and I think they thought we were lesbians) that we were the quietest neighbors they have ever had. I don't think they thought it was a compliment, even though I took it that way.
We spent Saturday making our way from South Haven, to Saugatuck and then to New Douglas. Each town had lots of fun shops, cool places to eat on the water, beaches, and bonus, wine tasting shops.
We made our way to only one winery on Saturday and that was Fenn Valley. We were there with less than a half hour before their closing. That wasn't a problem, but the ladies behind the counter serving us were grumpy. They hardly even conversed with us. Which, isn't generally the way wine tasting works.
We had a great time in the tasting room for Tabor Hill Winery located in Saugatuck. The gentleman that helped us spent lots of time with us and answered lots of questions. Plus he carded us...that made our day!
While in New Douglas on Saturday we came across a little wine tasting room called Corkscrew. They make their own wine from purchased grape juice. We were the only two people in the shop and the gentlemen there spent lots of time with us explaining how certain wines are made. He was lots of fun!
Sunday we packed up and headed out to roam around the Benton Harbor area. I think we actually ended up in St. Joseph. We lucked out and found a large antique show going on. That was interesting to check out. We went through a few shops and then headed out to find a few more wineries in the area. Along the way we came across the town of Coloma. The Glad Peach Festival was going on, who knew?
We checked out the Glad Peach Fest and then headed to the Karma Vista Winery. Karma Vista had very nice views perched on top of a big hill. We enjoyed tasting there. There was an expensive painting there that I just loved. Had I known at the time that my husband, back home taking care of the boys, had purchased himself a new toy (a Play Station 3) I may have pulled the trigger on that painting. Probably best for our budget that I didn't know!
Our last winery of the trip was Contessa Wine Cellars. Contessa wasn't there. Just two odd girls who weren't very talkative. They did have a cat, but that was about the coolest part of their place.
We had a fun time. I ended up buying a lot of wine, local fruit, and a new purse! It was relaxing and as always, full of laughs with Heather around. We get in so much trouble together. Thank you to Chris for taking care of the boys this weekend, I couldn't have gone without him.
If you are interested in visiting any of these places check out the following:
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Girls Weekend
It's that time of the year again. As summer draws to a close Heather and I take off for our annual Girls Weekend. Last year we had a fantastic time in Traverse City, Michigan. We visited a lot of wineries, did a lot of shopping and ate some great smoked salmon.
As much as I would like to repeat our trip there, we have some time restraints on us this year. We opted for a mere 2.5 hour drive to the South Haven and Saugatuck, Michigan area. The region has a lot wineries, a must, as well as shopping, dinning and new this year, camping. Sorta camping....we decided to try a small cabin at a South Haven campground. It has plenty of beds, electricity and AC!!! It is supposed to be very hot this weekend. The AC better work...or I'll be getting my travel on to somewhere else!
I should have a wrap up next week. I'm really looking forward to shopping, drinking lots of wine and sitting around a campfire with my best girl friend eating 'smores and cheetos.
As much as I would like to repeat our trip there, we have some time restraints on us this year. We opted for a mere 2.5 hour drive to the South Haven and Saugatuck, Michigan area. The region has a lot wineries, a must, as well as shopping, dinning and new this year, camping. Sorta camping....we decided to try a small cabin at a South Haven campground. It has plenty of beds, electricity and AC!!! It is supposed to be very hot this weekend. The AC better work...or I'll be getting my travel on to somewhere else!
I should have a wrap up next week. I'm really looking forward to shopping, drinking lots of wine and sitting around a campfire with my best girl friend eating 'smores and cheetos.
Japanese Beetles Stink!
For the first time in my life I am experiencing the Japanese Beetle (JB). Apparently I have either been oblivious the past couple of years or the little leaches hadn't found our property. Let there be no doubt that the JB's have landed...and brought all their buddies with them. Damn things.

(See here is a picture of the little leaf eating monster)
They have been munching on my very large Birch Tree probably for a while before I figured out why the leaves were falling off. I caught them fairly early on one of my small new ornamental trees in the back yard. So, last week Chris and I set off to Lowe's to find the much talked about Bug Bag and some pesticide to kill the little shits! I value my expensive trees too much to just let them be a bug salad bar.
I wasn't too convinced that the Bug Bag would help...other than attract more of their little buddies into our yard, boy was I proven wrong. I assembled the thing in the house and then carried it across the backyard to its chosen location. I was being swarmed by the nasty things before I even got the thing in the ground. The two bags in the yard were easily filled in 48 hours. This still may mean that we are just drawing in all the local JB's, but combined with the pesticide on the trees they liked, they are no longer eating my trees.
Apparently, and this is what I found amusing, the JB is a very sexual bug and is drawn into the bug bug and be with its buddies. In all practicality there is a big bug orgy going on in my yard. YUCK!!!
I'm sure you are ready for the yuckiest part. The bags filled quickly and I had to change them. The smell coming out of that thing was worse than a porta potty at 3:00 on a 95 degree tailgating day! Needless to say the double bagged bag is in the garbage can outside our garage. You can even smell it from across the street at the mailboxes. Sorry neighbors. At least tomorrow is garbage day.
So, wherever you live...I hope you don't have Japanese Beatles and if you do...step on one for me! The only good Japanese Beetle is a dead one!

(See here is a picture of the little leaf eating monster)
They have been munching on my very large Birch Tree probably for a while before I figured out why the leaves were falling off. I caught them fairly early on one of my small new ornamental trees in the back yard. So, last week Chris and I set off to Lowe's to find the much talked about Bug Bag and some pesticide to kill the little shits! I value my expensive trees too much to just let them be a bug salad bar.
I wasn't too convinced that the Bug Bag would help...other than attract more of their little buddies into our yard, boy was I proven wrong. I assembled the thing in the house and then carried it across the backyard to its chosen location. I was being swarmed by the nasty things before I even got the thing in the ground. The two bags in the yard were easily filled in 48 hours. This still may mean that we are just drawing in all the local JB's, but combined with the pesticide on the trees they liked, they are no longer eating my trees.
Apparently, and this is what I found amusing, the JB is a very sexual bug and is drawn into the bug bug and be with its buddies. In all practicality there is a big bug orgy going on in my yard. YUCK!!!
I'm sure you are ready for the yuckiest part. The bags filled quickly and I had to change them. The smell coming out of that thing was worse than a porta potty at 3:00 on a 95 degree tailgating day! Needless to say the double bagged bag is in the garbage can outside our garage. You can even smell it from across the street at the mailboxes. Sorry neighbors. At least tomorrow is garbage day.
So, wherever you live...I hope you don't have Japanese Beatles and if you do...step on one for me! The only good Japanese Beetle is a dead one!
Monday, July 28, 2008
Fun Week
Chris and I had a great week to ourselves. I was able to spend a day at the lake with Heather. After Chris was off we ate out at all our favorite places, went golfing (I just drive the cart), saw Get Smart and Batman, slept in and relaxed in each others company. It was a great vacation. As always, going back to work after time off is never easy!
The boys also seemed to enjoy their week at G & G's house. It was a good learning experience for Connor in preparation for preschool. He hasn't been out much on his own because it always seems like Wes is somewhere with him. Connor went into his own age group at VBS and never complained. It makes me a bit more comfortable with preschool just around the corner.
I have to say that I really liked both movies we were able to see. I used to watch the Get Smart shows and found them funny, so I was stoked to see the new one with funny man Steve! It didn't let me down. Chris and I were the only one in the theater and I had lots of comments. He wasn't familiar with Max Smart, so I had to explain a few sayings. There was one scene that I was laughing so hard I had tears! So, if you are looking for a comedy, I would suggest Get Smart!
The other movie we went to see was Batman. I was a bit hesitant to go see it because I'm not the biggest follower of the series and didn't want to be clueless. However, it was fantastic. I told Chris when we sat down that I just didn't know how there could be a second Joker and that I would only think of Jack as the Joker. Boy was I wrong. This Joker stole the show! I never once thought of a past Joker. It was a great movie and I now understand what all the hype is about!
The boys and I are trying to get back into our summer routine this week. So far I'm catching up on laundry, dishes and cleaning up the house. I was a slacker last week.
I have to post again on two topics....Japanese Beatles and Wes loosing his front teeth. Those to come...after swim lessons and working out.
The boys also seemed to enjoy their week at G & G's house. It was a good learning experience for Connor in preparation for preschool. He hasn't been out much on his own because it always seems like Wes is somewhere with him. Connor went into his own age group at VBS and never complained. It makes me a bit more comfortable with preschool just around the corner.
I have to say that I really liked both movies we were able to see. I used to watch the Get Smart shows and found them funny, so I was stoked to see the new one with funny man Steve! It didn't let me down. Chris and I were the only one in the theater and I had lots of comments. He wasn't familiar with Max Smart, so I had to explain a few sayings. There was one scene that I was laughing so hard I had tears! So, if you are looking for a comedy, I would suggest Get Smart!
The other movie we went to see was Batman. I was a bit hesitant to go see it because I'm not the biggest follower of the series and didn't want to be clueless. However, it was fantastic. I told Chris when we sat down that I just didn't know how there could be a second Joker and that I would only think of Jack as the Joker. Boy was I wrong. This Joker stole the show! I never once thought of a past Joker. It was a great movie and I now understand what all the hype is about!
The boys and I are trying to get back into our summer routine this week. So far I'm catching up on laundry, dishes and cleaning up the house. I was a slacker last week.
I have to post again on two topics....Japanese Beatles and Wes loosing his front teeth. Those to come...after swim lessons and working out.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Vacation or Stay-cation
Life has been busy around here lately. Hence, my lack of updating. Wes had a week of zoo camp and I was back and forth across town two times a day. Throw in swim lessons, baseball twice last week and some other summer functions, and we have been busy.
This week, however, Chris and I are on vacation...or as Chris likes to call it, Stay-cation. For some strange reason, Chris' parents decided they wanted to keep the boys for the entire week to attend VBS at their church. That's Vacation Bible School for those like me that up until this week had no idea what that stood for. I'm feeling guilty and a bit lost without my boys around, but I think I can tough it out! :)
Chris and I are going to enjoy ourselves just hanging out and spending time together, at home. We got the yard work done with morning and the rest of the day to play. I think we are going to go and see a movie this afternoon, followed by dinner with Heather and listening to Mike play!
I may have my doubts about the VBS thing, but I'm sucking it up and enjoying Stay-cation! Rock on! I feel like a guest in my own home!
This week, however, Chris and I are on vacation...or as Chris likes to call it, Stay-cation. For some strange reason, Chris' parents decided they wanted to keep the boys for the entire week to attend VBS at their church. That's Vacation Bible School for those like me that up until this week had no idea what that stood for. I'm feeling guilty and a bit lost without my boys around, but I think I can tough it out! :)
Chris and I are going to enjoy ourselves just hanging out and spending time together, at home. We got the yard work done with morning and the rest of the day to play. I think we are going to go and see a movie this afternoon, followed by dinner with Heather and listening to Mike play!
I may have my doubts about the VBS thing, but I'm sucking it up and enjoying Stay-cation! Rock on! I feel like a guest in my own home!
Monday, July 14, 2008
Connor's Birthday
"Guess what happened? I turned 4!"
Connor had a great day yesterday. He had lots of fun with his friends and family. It was a gorgeous day and we were outside for most of it playing. Tami, Jim and their girls came over for a lunch time cookout. Then later on in the day Chris' parents came over for pizza and cake. Thank you to everyone for his cool gifts. It appears that his top 5 picks would be:
1. Water guns
2. Bubble gun
3. Bubble mower
4. Hotwheel cars
5. Sponge Bob jammies and sheets
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Happy Birthday, Connor
Happy 4th Birthday wishes to Connor today! We are having our neighbor friends over for a lunch cookout and a "party". I try not to do kid parties, so I'm attempting to fool him into thinking he is having a real party. He is getting to spend the day with his friends and family, and that seems to be what makes him happy. Plus, he has a cool Sponge Bob cake, Sponge Bob decorations and is ready to party!
Later we are having his grandparents over for pizza...so out of all of that I'm sure I'll get some good pictures.
I just had to say that I can't believe he is turning 4 years old today. It seems like just yesterday that he was a tiny baby. I think he will always be my "baby" even though he has changed so much recently. He will be starting pre-school in less than two months! Another huge milestone!
Have a great day Connor and "Happy Birthday!"
Later we are having his grandparents over for pizza...so out of all of that I'm sure I'll get some good pictures.
I just had to say that I can't believe he is turning 4 years old today. It seems like just yesterday that he was a tiny baby. I think he will always be my "baby" even though he has changed so much recently. He will be starting pre-school in less than two months! Another huge milestone!
Have a great day Connor and "Happy Birthday!"
Monday, July 07, 2008
Happy 4th of July Weekend
Happy 4th of July to everyone. Our family enjoyed the weekend immensely. My parents came down on their annual 4th of July weekend over night trip. They spent an extra night with us this year, Friday through Sunday, and the boys loved every minute of it.

Once they get Grandpa in the house the fun never ends. If it wasn't fishing on the pond, swinging on the swing set, playing cars, riding bikes then they were after him to play more...poor Dad! I know he was tired out when he went home. They love being catered to like that. It breaks my heart to watch Wes get sad when they have to leave. I wish they could spend more time with my parents.
On Friday Chris treated us all to pulled pork done on his smoker. It was fantastic. Even my mother, picky patty eater that she is, liked it! I made home made potato salad and chocolate cake. Between all of that I felt like I ate constantly this weekend. Mom brought in a cheese cake to add to my desert frenzy. The worst part is she left more than half of the thing here! So I'm struggling to stay on the healthy eating wagon.
We all sat on our deck and watched the neighborhood firework celebration. You can usually count on several homes shooting fireworks over the pond or within view of the deck. There were fewer families home this year, but we still had a great view of some great fireworks. The boys also got to play with sparklers. We watched just as many, if not more, fireworks Saturday night!

Saturday we celebrated Connor's 4th birthday while my parents were here. His actual birthday is this Sunday, the 13th, but they won't be back again that soon. He had fun opening his gifts and decorating Sponge Bob Square Pants cupcakes. (more desert in the house) My parents got him a new shirt, a book, gardening gloves, a bean bag toss game and the biggest hit of all, a bug box complete with a net. I happened to be with her when she bought that $5 gift and wouldn't you know that out of all that other stuff he went nuts over that. You can pretty much still find him walking around with that net in his hand looking for bugs. I actually saw Chris help him catch a fly in the house yesterday!


I spent the week leading up to the 4th going crazy cleaning the house and doing odd jobs we had been putting off, like staining the deck, painting the trim around the front door and edging the sidewalk..but I'm happy to say that it was all worth it. The house and outside looked great and I think it may have even impressed my mom, although you will never hear her say it! WE had a great weekend and I hope that all of you enjoyed your 4th of July traditions as well.
Once they get Grandpa in the house the fun never ends. If it wasn't fishing on the pond, swinging on the swing set, playing cars, riding bikes then they were after him to play more...poor Dad! I know he was tired out when he went home. They love being catered to like that. It breaks my heart to watch Wes get sad when they have to leave. I wish they could spend more time with my parents.
On Friday Chris treated us all to pulled pork done on his smoker. It was fantastic. Even my mother, picky patty eater that she is, liked it! I made home made potato salad and chocolate cake. Between all of that I felt like I ate constantly this weekend. Mom brought in a cheese cake to add to my desert frenzy. The worst part is she left more than half of the thing here! So I'm struggling to stay on the healthy eating wagon.
We all sat on our deck and watched the neighborhood firework celebration. You can usually count on several homes shooting fireworks over the pond or within view of the deck. There were fewer families home this year, but we still had a great view of some great fireworks. The boys also got to play with sparklers. We watched just as many, if not more, fireworks Saturday night!
Saturday we celebrated Connor's 4th birthday while my parents were here. His actual birthday is this Sunday, the 13th, but they won't be back again that soon. He had fun opening his gifts and decorating Sponge Bob Square Pants cupcakes. (more desert in the house) My parents got him a new shirt, a book, gardening gloves, a bean bag toss game and the biggest hit of all, a bug box complete with a net. I happened to be with her when she bought that $5 gift and wouldn't you know that out of all that other stuff he went nuts over that. You can pretty much still find him walking around with that net in his hand looking for bugs. I actually saw Chris help him catch a fly in the house yesterday!
I spent the week leading up to the 4th going crazy cleaning the house and doing odd jobs we had been putting off, like staining the deck, painting the trim around the front door and edging the sidewalk..but I'm happy to say that it was all worth it. The house and outside looked great and I think it may have even impressed my mom, although you will never hear her say it! WE had a great weekend and I hope that all of you enjoyed your 4th of July traditions as well.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Wes and Coach Pitch Baseball
Wes had his first official baseball game last night. We signed him up through our YMCA for their Coach Pitch Baseball program. So far, we are very happy with the program. He had a practice last week, with the weekly format being a half hour practice followed by a half hour game. His coach is a former employee who used to work with Chris. We were a bit concerned about that, but the guy is doing a great coaching job and I'm thrilled Wes got him as a coach!
Practice was funny last week watching these 1st and 2nd graders fielding the ball and trying to use their gloves. Wes was right about where the rest of the team was...he has a lot to learn. I was a bit concerned about how he would do at the game last night, but he did great.
They rotate putting everyone out in the field for one team and letting the entire other team bat. Probably standard operating procedure, but new to me! Wes got a hit, made a play by fielding the ball and had a lucky play at 3rd base. The ball literally bounced into his glove! That got a few laughs!
He had a great time and we got ice cream afterwards! Bonus!
Practice was funny last week watching these 1st and 2nd graders fielding the ball and trying to use their gloves. Wes was right about where the rest of the team was...he has a lot to learn. I was a bit concerned about how he would do at the game last night, but he did great.
They rotate putting everyone out in the field for one team and letting the entire other team bat. Probably standard operating procedure, but new to me! Wes got a hit, made a play by fielding the ball and had a lucky play at 3rd base. The ball literally bounced into his glove! That got a few laughs!
He had a great time and we got ice cream afterwards! Bonus!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Warning...long post with many unrelated topics. Read at your own risk!
This has been a strange and busy week so far. When school is out I really struggle to keep some form of a schedule going. I know it helps me to keep that and it also helps the boys, but so far, I've not done a good job of having anything resembling a schedule!
Here are a few things that have gone on so far this week:
Wes started Coach Pitch Baseball last night. He seemed to really enjoy himself. He has a lot to learn but he also has a good coach. Shocking, because the coach is a former employee who worked with Chris. We were afraid for awkwardness, but I didn't notice any and he seemed really good at working with the boys!
My regular doctor just up and cancelled my appointment for Tuesday with less than 24 hours notice. Hmmm...if I had done that I would have been charged. When I called to reschedule there wasn't an apology or even an explanation. Nice!
Wes had to have two painful warts "removed" from his right foot. Through our foot doctor we tried medication, but it wasn't working and they were really bothering him. Our doc didn't want to freeze them because Wes has always been great at her office and she didn't want him to have a bad experience. He has never complained about getting his orthopedics made or anything with her...but we probably spoiled that yesterday. We had them froze and it hurt him. I felt so bad. Everyone who I had talked to who had warts frozen said it was quick and didn't hurt. Not for poor Wes. She kept the freezing agent on each one for about 50 seconds and he was crying and hurting. Let me just say, that I felt like the worst parent for asking doc to do this procedure. Hopefully they have been taken care of and will not return.
I mowed the yard today. No biggie, but my ankle/foot was bothering me last night. So, I know I pushed it today with the yard. My ankle acts up all the time and I'm used to it. I usually just ignore it. By the time I crashed on the couch last night it was really hurting and I put ice on it. Haven't done that in years. I thought that after I went to bed I would just fall asleep and it wouldn't bother me. No luck. I couldn't sleep with it hurting...so I did something else I haven't done in years, took a vicodin. Now that did the trick. I woke up in the middle of the night and was like "wow...I'm high as a kite!" Let's just say I had a lot of weird dreams after that, but my ankle stopped hurting.
I also made my mom mad today. I haven't accomplished that in a while, at least to my knowledge. She was complaining about the price of hay. The weather has messed up the hay season, along with the price of fuel for tractors, and the price is going way, way up for hay. I suggested that seeing it was getting so expensive to keep horses that maybe it was time to get rid of them....all of them, even the good ones! That didn't go over so well. When she asked why she should sell them, I told her because they wipe out all their money and they make them sick...not to mention all the hard work they do on the farm. Her response was that it doesn't make HER sick! Being in the barn has given my dad Farmer's Lung and my mom has "asthma". I don't believe that she really has asthma, rather allergies to the barn...but that is what her quacky doctor told her, so it must be FACT! So, I guess it's okay to just make dad sick. He has to wear a breathing apparatus while he cleans stalls or does anything with hay. Does that sound like fun, especially when it is in the 90's outside? She is crazy.
Some of my plants in the new landscape aren't doing well. Actually, it's just the hydrangeas and they are dying. They seem to hate me. I know they need lots of water and I keep giving it to them...in return what do they do? They die. Only 2.5 of the 5plants are still alive. I have to call the landscaper and talk about it....but I don't want the plants death to be my fault...so I'm doing what I do best. I'm ignoring the problem. The plants haven't come back to life and I still haven't called the landscaper.
Along the same line of avoidance, I have a bunch of business decissions to make about my Silpada business. I haven't had a party in months and it isn't for lack of trying. It's the time of year where I will soon have to be retiring pieces and ording from the new fall line....I'm just not sure of what to do.
If anyone is still actually reading this....I appologize for the rambeling and remember I did warn you at the top.
Hopefully things get on track around here before we go to Flint this weekend. And, hopefully mom will be done being pissed at me, seeing I will be staying with them! Chris has to work all weekend so I'm taking the boys to Flint to hang out. We will probably have to put hay up this weekend too. Damn! I hate doing that...almost considering not going...but I know how much my dad wants to see the boys...so I guess I have to go!
Here are a few things that have gone on so far this week:
Wes started Coach Pitch Baseball last night. He seemed to really enjoy himself. He has a lot to learn but he also has a good coach. Shocking, because the coach is a former employee who worked with Chris. We were afraid for awkwardness, but I didn't notice any and he seemed really good at working with the boys!
My regular doctor just up and cancelled my appointment for Tuesday with less than 24 hours notice. Hmmm...if I had done that I would have been charged. When I called to reschedule there wasn't an apology or even an explanation. Nice!
Wes had to have two painful warts "removed" from his right foot. Through our foot doctor we tried medication, but it wasn't working and they were really bothering him. Our doc didn't want to freeze them because Wes has always been great at her office and she didn't want him to have a bad experience. He has never complained about getting his orthopedics made or anything with her...but we probably spoiled that yesterday. We had them froze and it hurt him. I felt so bad. Everyone who I had talked to who had warts frozen said it was quick and didn't hurt. Not for poor Wes. She kept the freezing agent on each one for about 50 seconds and he was crying and hurting. Let me just say, that I felt like the worst parent for asking doc to do this procedure. Hopefully they have been taken care of and will not return.
I mowed the yard today. No biggie, but my ankle/foot was bothering me last night. So, I know I pushed it today with the yard. My ankle acts up all the time and I'm used to it. I usually just ignore it. By the time I crashed on the couch last night it was really hurting and I put ice on it. Haven't done that in years. I thought that after I went to bed I would just fall asleep and it wouldn't bother me. No luck. I couldn't sleep with it hurting...so I did something else I haven't done in years, took a vicodin. Now that did the trick. I woke up in the middle of the night and was like "wow...I'm high as a kite!" Let's just say I had a lot of weird dreams after that, but my ankle stopped hurting.
I also made my mom mad today. I haven't accomplished that in a while, at least to my knowledge. She was complaining about the price of hay. The weather has messed up the hay season, along with the price of fuel for tractors, and the price is going way, way up for hay. I suggested that seeing it was getting so expensive to keep horses that maybe it was time to get rid of them....all of them, even the good ones! That didn't go over so well. When she asked why she should sell them, I told her because they wipe out all their money and they make them sick...not to mention all the hard work they do on the farm. Her response was that it doesn't make HER sick! Being in the barn has given my dad Farmer's Lung and my mom has "asthma". I don't believe that she really has asthma, rather allergies to the barn...but that is what her quacky doctor told her, so it must be FACT! So, I guess it's okay to just make dad sick. He has to wear a breathing apparatus while he cleans stalls or does anything with hay. Does that sound like fun, especially when it is in the 90's outside? She is crazy.
Some of my plants in the new landscape aren't doing well. Actually, it's just the hydrangeas and they are dying. They seem to hate me. I know they need lots of water and I keep giving it to them...in return what do they do? They die. Only 2.5 of the 5plants are still alive. I have to call the landscaper and talk about it....but I don't want the plants death to be my fault...so I'm doing what I do best. I'm ignoring the problem. The plants haven't come back to life and I still haven't called the landscaper.
Along the same line of avoidance, I have a bunch of business decissions to make about my Silpada business. I haven't had a party in months and it isn't for lack of trying. It's the time of year where I will soon have to be retiring pieces and ording from the new fall line....I'm just not sure of what to do.
If anyone is still actually reading this....I appologize for the rambeling and remember I did warn you at the top.
Hopefully things get on track around here before we go to Flint this weekend. And, hopefully mom will be done being pissed at me, seeing I will be staying with them! Chris has to work all weekend so I'm taking the boys to Flint to hang out. We will probably have to put hay up this weekend too. Damn! I hate doing that...almost considering not going...but I know how much my dad wants to see the boys...so I guess I have to go!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Happy Father's Day
Happy Father's Day to two of the greatest men in my life. First, I want to thank my Dad for being a great father. He is patient, kind and loving. While he has always been those things to me, he been all of those and more to my sons! Wes and Connor literally worship the ground he walks on! They are always wanting to see him and never wanting to leave him. That's a pretty good indication to me of a terrific grandfather! I wish I could wish him a Happy Father's Day in person, but I haven't figured out how to be in two places at once.
Now, onto the most important man in my life, my husband. You are a fantastic father and have been from the day our boys were born. While you work a ton of stressful hours to take care of our family, you never slack on us! You have always been there for your boys and you are a great role model for them. I love watching you play with our boys, even when you get whacked in the shin with a hockey puck or when you have to tell Wes for the 20th time to turn the Sorry card over.

Thank you for being a great dad and a great husband. This is one of my favorite quotes and sums up how I feel about my husband as a dad. And, a great dad he is!
"The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother."
Now, onto the most important man in my life, my husband. You are a fantastic father and have been from the day our boys were born. While you work a ton of stressful hours to take care of our family, you never slack on us! You have always been there for your boys and you are a great role model for them. I love watching you play with our boys, even when you get whacked in the shin with a hockey puck or when you have to tell Wes for the 20th time to turn the Sorry card over.
Thank you for being a great dad and a great husband. This is one of my favorite quotes and sums up how I feel about my husband as a dad. And, a great dad he is!
"The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother."
Henry Ward Beecher
Friday, June 13, 2008
Disney Magic!
Our family had a great time at Disney. The boys really enjoyed themselves and I was glad we were able to work this trip out during Chris' Orlando conference. We left on Saturday and got in late that evening. All of our flights, coming and going, were on time and had no issues. Nice job Airtran!
Sunday we picked up our PT Cruiser rental car and then headed to Disney. I thought Wes was going to wet himself in his excitement over the car. As you can see, he thought it was very cool.
We took the Monorail to Magic Kingdom from The Contemporary Hotel. It was a bit of a wait and we had issues getting back..we took the wrong Monorail...so watch those lines if you use them! The boys really enjoyed riding the Monorail. I believe they thought it was a Disney ride!
The boys did fantastic while at Disney. They handled the heat very well. Connor just walked and walked and never once complained about how tired and hot he must have been. I saw kids twice his age being pushed around in strollers. We got into the park around 10:00 and left a little after 5:00. I congratulate Disney on finding ways to help keep the kids cool with outside misters and water areas. Plus, many of their rides are inside and very well air conditioned.
Wes had his top five list of attractions, with his favorite being The Indy Speedway. His other favorites included The Railroad, The Magic Carpets of Aladdin, Monsters Inc. Laugh Floor and the Jungle Cruise. He had numerous great comments about people and places....but I loved it when, on our late drive to the hotel he said, "I smell exhausted"...translation, I smell exhaust. I on the other hand, did actually smell exhausted!
Connor's top five attractions included, the Astro Orbiter, Tomorrowland Transit Authority, Cinderella's Golden Carrousel, The Railroad and The Magic Carpets of Aladdin. His top saying of the week involved Epcot. We could see the big "ball" from our room and Connor stuck with naming it "Fcot". He also decided palm trees should be called pine palm trees.
Neither of the boys, especially Wes, were into the big rides. Most everything we went on did not have a very long wait. The famous, Dumbo and Tea Cup rides had huge waits. I just couldn't justify that for our boys. A lot of the rides had the Fast Pass System, but we didn't have to wait in a long line anyway, so we didn't use Fast Pass. The longest we waited was for "it's a small world" which was about a half hour. And, well worth it...I loved that ride. I very much remember going on that ride with my Grandparent's who took me when I was ten. I also enjoyed going back to the Swiss Family Treehouse, Walt Disney's Carousel of Progress and Snow White's Scary Adventures. Disney has obviously added some new attractions in the past 20 years. I would highly recommend Mickey's PhilharMagic 3-D Spectacular. It was great with very cool effects. I also enjoyed the Monsters, Inc. Laugh Floor. Nice air conditioning in both, I might add!
We only spent a day at the Magic Kingdom, so obviously we couldn't do it all. We didn't get to walk through the Castle because a show was going on out front. We also didn't get to see/meet very many characters. The boys really weren't into that, even though I had made them autograph books. We did get to meet Buzz Lightyear. He rocked. Connor hide behind Chris. We also saw Woody and his girl friend...can't remember her name. We did get to see all the characters during the afternoon parade.
The conference Chris was attending was at the Orlando World Marriott Center, and we stayed there. It was a gorgeous resort and the largest Marriott in the world. After our day at Disney we hung out at the resort for our remaining days. The resort had different children's activities throughout the day and we took advantage of those. Afternoons were spent by the pools. We had lots of fun and I managed to keep the boys occupied! Plus, we requested a room facing Disney so that we could watch the fireworks at night. We were on the 18th floor and had a great view for both Epcot and Magic Kingdom's fireworks.
This was a great trip for all of us. Chris obviously had to work and was stuck inside all day, but the boys and I had a great time. I am very happy that we made it to Magic Kingdom and the boys had that fun experience.
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