Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Plumbing, swimming and ironing

Well, it's just misc. stuff tonight. It has been a busy day. Connor managed to plug a toilet in our house by unrolling the toilet paper and then stuffing it into the toilet. I swear he is completely fixated by the toilet. Maybe he is going to be a plumber. Come to think about it he does sport crack a lot..I'm always pulling his pants up. Sorry plumbers! I've unplugged so many toilets in my day that I'm starting to think about joining the profession! Despite plumbing issues I have managed to paint two more gourds so that I can ship them out to Phoenix to my cool Bro and his friend. Hopefully they will be dry enough to send tomorrow.

Wes had swim today and did really well. Drum roll please....After a year a half of swim lessons (uninterrupted, I might add) Wes has finally been moved up a level. While they register for lessons by age level his instructor did acknowledge that he is a higher level than he was! Wow, that was quick...but GOOD JOB WES! He isn't a lap swimmer yet but at least he can sorta swim. I'm not sure how to describe what he does, it is almost like sinking swimming.

I finally got caught up on the ironing. I was avoiding it like the plague and poor Chris won't say anything, but he was nearly out of shirts! He could iron them himself, but he never thinks the shirts actually need ironed...AND THEY REALLY DO!

My Grandma got safely back to Florida after a very delayed flight. Her very nice "friend" Bob had dinner and champagne waiting for her! Awesome! Good for her! Sign me up for that.

That's all for now!

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