Saturday, December 20, 2008

Holidays and Bad Haircuts

We are headed to Flint tomorrow to celebrate Christmas. We will hang out there until Christmas Eve and then return home. Santa only seems to know how to find us when we are at our home. Thank you, Santa!

I'm apologizing now for the horrendous haircuts on my boys. They desperately needed haircuts this week before we leave tomorrow. Unfortunately our dear friend, John, who always cuts the boys hair has been without power thanks to the ice storm. So, what choice did I have but to whip out the clippers and cut all their hair off?

Connor looks's short on him but his hair is always shorter than Wes. Wes on the other hand definitely got the worst "do" of the two. He never fusses for John but he went nuts when I tried to cut his hair. He cried! What? Yes, he cried and if he knew enough to know what a bad buzz cut looked like when he looked in the mirror, he would continue to cry.

My mother is going to kill me when she sees them. I don't blame her....but it will be all I hear about for the next four days. Damn ice storm! I'm going to attempt to go back over Wes later tonight with the clippers and see if I can make it better. I'm sure that will work!!! NOT!!!

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